I can tell that she sees us because she started to walk over to our table but stopped abruptly and took off her name tag. Bitch.

She walks towards me and my eyes can't help but travel up and down her body; taking in every last thing that they can before she disappears again. My eyes quickly snap back to hers and I furrow my brow again.

She's quick with her interaction, completely ignoring me the entire time which only makes my blood boil even more. She walks away and I watch as someone pulls her out of my sight.

God, she makes me so mad. I can't even explain how irritated I am when I'm around her. Yet, I can't stay away from this damn restaurant. The anger is so addicting to me.

"She's fit as fuck, isn't she," Luke mentions as she walks away, using British slang rather than his usual Aussie tongue.

"Don't even fucking say that, Luke. She's pissing me right off right now."

I need to make sure that they all know that I feel nothing but anger and irritation for this girl. None of them can know that I am fantasizing about bending her over the fucking countertop in front of all of the staff and customers.

"I don't know. I'd right like to bring her home and fuck her like I know she needs it," Luke says with a dark look in his eyes and a smirk slowly pulls into form on his face as he stares her down walking back to the kitchen.

My eyes snap to him and his jaw begins to hurt from how hard he's suddenly clenching his teeth together.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Luke? Don't be saying that shit about her, you don't know her," I nearly grind my teeth down to the gums.

"You don't know her either, H," Niall points out with a smirk.

"Well no shit, Ni. None of us do," snapping back to him with the obvious.

I don't notice that I'm digging my fist into itself until I feel that familiar feeling of breaking the skin on my scared palms. No amount of attempting to rewire my brain seems to work in stopping me from mutilating my hands every day.

Calum is sitting across the table from me, picking at his nail polish even though he quite literally just got them done.

"Stop, Cal," reaching over to stop him from ruining the fresh manicure, "You literally just got that on, don't ruin it." I know how much he likes getting them done.

He looks up and puts his hands back into his lap with small pale green flakes littering his thighs, knowing that he's going to be mad at himself later if he doesn't listen to me right now.

I love how Cal gets his nails done simply because it makes him happy. If he can find even just one small thing to pull him out of the fucking hell of a reality that they all live in, all the power to him. Luke gets them done with him sometimes, even though Niall picks on him relentlessly when he sees the white flames going up his nails.

I find it funny that Niall talks all this shit about it though, because he has seen him eyeing the polish wall in the salon whenever they go with Calum. No matter how many times Cal asks him to get his nails done with him, Niall refuses, for whatever fucking reason.

I really want to get mine done, but we all know that Bri would quite literally kill me if I came home with colored fingernails

There are a lot of things that I know that I can't do or wear without Bri taking her anger out on me or saying those spiteful words that cut deep into me. She makes me hate her.

I bet the waitress bitch would get her nails done with me.

But fuck her.

I would if I could.

"So Styles, what did you do to piss off Bri this time?" Niall asks jokingly, knowing that her explosions are hardly ever his fault.

I can feel my face heating up just from having to think about Bri and our conversation that prompted this trip to the diner.

I begin ranting to the boys because that's literally the reason that I asked them to come here with me.

"She just is fucking blaming me for one of the partners dropping the ball on the job today," my tone is coming off angry, but they know it's not directed toward them. "She acts as if I have control over everything that happens with the jobs. If anything, it's her fault that this shit fell through considering she's the fucking Queen of Everything in my life."

"You need to tell her to fuck off," Luke mutters knowing that she'd embed another knife into my stomach before I even finished the first syllable.

"Shut up, Luke. You know she's insane and would cut his dick off if he said that to her."

"Fucking thank you, Cal." I am hoping that Luke shuts the fuck up for the rest of the night, otherwise I'm gonna hit him again.


I must have just gotten lost in my own head for the last half hour because the girl is walking back over to our table. She is wearing the only thing that any of us have ever seen her in, her uniform. The dark green polo shirt that she wears hugs her body but still leaves some to the imagination, which drives me absolutely fucking wild. Her brown eyes quite literally pull me into her gaze and are only exemplified by how dark of a green her shirt is. Even in something as simple and bland as black work pants, a green shirt, and black waitress apron, she looks stunning. 

"Here," my thoughts get interrupted by her placing the oval plate in front of me, avoiding eye contact as usual.

"C'mon, babe. Not any sweet talk or flirting to boost up your tip?" I know I shouldn't be egging her on, but I can't help it.

She glares at him me the side of her eye.

I kind of like how hatred looks in those golden eyes of hers.

She turns to smile at Calum before handing him his plate of food.

"Thank you very much," he looks up at her smiling.

She lets him make eye contact with her. Bitch.

She leaves the table without saying another word, turning on her heel and swaying her hips as she walks away.

There's something so captivating about her; I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to figure out what it is.

All I know is that I need to get her out of my head if I knows what's good for me.


hi lovelies!

I'm stoked to be getting past all of the introductions and getting into the good stuff here soon!

I hope you are all enjoying it so far and that you're as excited for the next chapters as I am!

Love you <3

Candy [h.s.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant