•The First Task of the Tournament•

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A/N: play music when the task starts

"I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now... Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm not ashamed to admit it."

Pansy laughed at the Daily Prophet after reading that bit out loud, and set it onto the table. "Potter cries!" Laughed Caylin. "I can't believe we have a cheat and a cry baby as one of our champions!" Jada added, she took a gulp of her gillywater.

"I would be so embarrassed- how could he not?" Pansy went for a grab of a slice of toast. "It's all an act, no one would be proud to admit that they cry themselves to sleep." Blaise joined into their conversation. "Oh- hey, Blaise." Caylin gave a friendly smile. "Mornin' Cay." He said, returning the smile in equal favor.

Parkinson let out a long snigger, she pointed at a part of the article and began reading;

"'Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl who, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school.'! Top students?! Potter can't even brew the right potion in Snape's class! One of the top students my arse!" Pansy sneered.

"Look at her! She's not even that pretty! I can name at least fifty other girls who are much prettier!" She added. "And, everyone knows that Potter doesn't fancy Granger, he fancies some girl in Ravenclaw." Caylin took the Daily Prophet from the girl's hand. "Those bookworms?" Pansy rolled her eyes. "God, at least it's not that Muggle-born know-it-all."

After the group of Slytherin girls finished their last bowl of porridge, they walked down the Entrance Hall. Coincidentally finding themselves in front of Potter and Granger.

"Watch this." Pansy hushed the group as they made their way closer to the Gryffindor pair.

"Stunningly pretty? Her?" The girl sneered, acting as if Granger couldn't hear a word. "What were they judging against- a chipmunk?" Jada and the Slytherin girls snickered while they past Granger with her head hung low, and a Potter who looked like he was ready to hex them. Caylin just looked away.

On the Saturday before the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, most students, year three and above, were going to their Hogsmeade trip. Ritisha was going with of course, Higgs, Caylin was going with Pansy and Blaise, while Sam and Jada were both stuck together. Noemi on the other hand decided to stay. She wanted to be with Cedric and make sure that he was well prepared for the first task.

"Make sure to bring some butterbeer for me!" Noemi called to her friends. She waved at them from the entrance of the castle, then watched them leave. The Hufflepuff turned and walked down the corridors, she knew where Cedric was. Everyday- in the same place. The library.

The girl walked into the room filled with books, and searched for him there. Since no one was going to be there, other than perhaps the other Champions. Noemi would find him easily by just the sound of him flipping pages, which to her amusement; worked. The girl looked around a bookshelf and saw Cedric leaning over a book, flipping through pages, taking in all the knowledge only to close the book, then start a new one. She walked behind him and drew a chair.

"Hey," Noemi said. "you're going to need a break sometime." she gave him a light tap on the back. "I know, but the task is only days away, and I haven't found anything as to what it could be!" Cedric groaned and threw his head back. "I bet you will, but for now: let's go back to the common room and think together on what that maybe. Also I want you to tell me about this little crush of yours."

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