•The Attacks•

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"Who is 'M'?!" Yelled Noemi as they walked down the corridors. "Draco Malfoy?" Ritisha raised her eyebrows, the B.B stopped. "I know- gross." The Gryffindor put her finger in her mouth and gagged. "Yeah, no he would never give me the note. So are we guessing it's going off last name?"

"I mean the only person I know that has a M as a first name is Marietta, and she fancies Lockhart, soooo..." Sam shrugged.

"I have a free period, I'm going to be studying with Hannah and Ernie in our Common Room. See you guys later!" Noemi waved at them.

"Hullo." The Hufflepuff waved to the girl and boy when she entered the common room. "Hey!" Hannah stood up from the sofa to hug Noemi while Ernie just stared at his notes.

"He's been acting weird all day." Whispered Hannah to Noemi. "He wasn't like this last year when Valentine's Day came up. Strange." Hannah led her to the sofa.

"hi, Noemi." Ernie mumbled.

"Hey, Ernie. You guys ready?"

"Oh! Hey I heard that you got a poem!" Hannah said excitedly. Ernie choked on his water that he was in the middle of drinking.

"Oh yeah...I just don't know who was it from. Argh! I don't know why anyone would send it though, I mean I'm not even cool." She threw her head into her hands.

"Don't lie, you're tons of cool! I've known you since the first day of year one! You helped grow my confidence, you're amazing, any guy would be lucky to have you. Granted we're all twelve, so my mum doesn't even allow me to date. Haha, well, but still!" Hannah placed her hand on Noemi's shoulder.

"Come on, we should start." Ernie cleared his throat.

"Yeah, we don't wanna boar him with all this boy talk." Joked Hannah.

"So...what are you guys thinking of taking for next year?" It was Spring break and all the second years were supposed to be choosing their classes for the new year. As Hermione Granger kept announcing to everyone: "This could affect our future!"

"I dunno, you think Care of Magical Creatures would be fun?" Caylin said thoughtfully while twiddling with her quill.

"More like, do you think it would be easy?" Asked Jada. "What about Divination?" Ritisha looked up from her parchment. "Seems like an easy pass. All in favor of taking Divination third year?" Jada lifted her quill. "I!" The girls all said, and write a 'check' next to the class.

They also added Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts (couldn't drop it), and a few others.

"Well, we just need to give this to our Head of House and we are done." Sam said with a stretch. "Alright! Oh, it's Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor in a week or two, anyone else coming other than me?" Asked Noemi.

"I can't, studying with Blaise Zabini and Pansy." Caylin shrugged. "I can make it." Smiled Ritisha. The other girls said they will go as well.

Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff

"You nervous?" Asked Noemi to Cedric during breakfast. "I've done this plenty of times, I'm good. Why, should I be nervous?" He asked while taking a gulp of water. "Just saying- the Gryffindor Seeker is really good."

"I know, I have seen Potter play. For a second year, he can really play Quidditch. I hope one day when we're both out of Hogwarts we can have a real Quidditch match." Chuckled Diggory.

"Maybe, well, it's almost time. You should be heading to the pitch." Noemi shooed Cedric off with a laugh.

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