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Elena just finished her 205 no. Murder with her cool head
~~(Flashback) ~~
Elena was walking Through the busy road. She is ashamed and hesitating to go to the school Because she destroyed the chemistry lab by fault! She mixed the wrong acid and boom! The chamistry lab blasted like a bomb!
Elena ~ I don't want to go but the headmaster will kick me out! I already missed two weeks!
Kids were playing in the park when she passed by the park. She reached her school's alley soon and then she saw her friend Martha.
Elena ~ Martha! How are you, girl?
Martha ~ I am fine. Still afraid of the headmaster?
She elbowed Elena. Elena said 'Stop it!' They both headed to their class. They entered the class together. Elena was hoping the teacher Won't notice her but he did.
Sir ~ Stop at your track, you two!
Elena ~ Ah...
Sir ~ Elena! Go to the detention room now!
Elena ~ Eh!? Right now!?
Sir ~ Yes! At first, you destroyed the chemistry lab and then missed school for two weeks!? Stay in The detention room till the end of today's school!
Martha ~ (Whispering) Sorry girl, I will send you the lessons later. Don't be sad. We will play a two players game on phone during the lunch! You will play from the detention room and I from The cafeteria!
Elena ~ Ok!
Sir ~ GO NOW!
Elena ~ (Annoyed) C'mon! I am going!
With an annoyed look she went to the detention room. She sat on a chair and started wondering.
Elena ~ Why my life is like this when I am rich? My parents are so strict! They have Money but they barely spend for me!
Time were passing and she was getting bored..
Mom ~ Alex! Wake up! Today is your race!
Alex ~ Waking mom..A bit more please.
Mom ~ No. Today is your race!
Alex wakes up slowly although he is still sleepy. He prepares Himself and went to the dining room. His father was reading the newspaper.
Alex ~ Amina! Please give me my food! (Sitting on a chair)
Dad ~ How are you feeling? Ready to go to the race?
Alex ~ yeah dad (eating)
He finished eating. His mom also came. His friend Zoel called him and he picked up.
Zoel ~ Boy, are you ready!? The race will begin now!
Alex ~ coming!
He hangs up and get up to leave.
Mom ~ I will come after the Foundation's work.
Alex ~ Why will you come mom? I am going with Zoel.
Mom ~ (Surprised) To see your race?
Alex sighed and kissed her mom's cheek. He left his house for the race.
Elena was called to the headmaster. The school has broken up. Every student left except her. Her parents are also called.
She is just standing in the office room in front of the headmaster, staring at the floor.
Soon, her parents arrived. They sat down.
Headmaster ~ (Clearing his throat) So...have you any idea why you both are called here?
Mother ~ No sir. Did she do something wrong?
Headmaster ~ Your daughter destroyed the chemistry lab two weeks ago.
Father ~ Eh!? (Looking at Elena) Elena!? What's this about!?
Headmaster ~ Your daughter should be More carefully About practical chemistry assignments.
Elena ~ Believe me, dad! I didnt do it on purpose! I mixed the wrong acid by fault!
Headmaster ~ Then don't even join chemistry class! (Yelling)
Mother ~ (Apologising) Sorry Sir, I am apologising from my daughter's side. I-I promise it Won't happen again! We will be more strict!
Headmaster ~ Hm...We will forgive her for the last time. Next time, we will kick her out from school. Please look after her.
Father ~ Thank you sir, for forgiving.
Headmaster ~You are welcome mr.Rof and Ms.Rof.
Elena and her parents left her school. They get in their car and started driving to home. Elena was sitting in the back side. Her father started lecturing her --
Father ~ Be more responsible and careful, Elena! We can't look after you all the time!
Elena ~ Sorry dad.
Elena was willing to go to the movie theater but she didn't tell. She was wanting to go there too much that she couldn’t help it anymore.
Me ~ Dad! I want to go to the movie theater, pleeeeeeeeaaase!!!!!
Her dad hesitated at first but then agreed. She was thinking that her father wasn’t so bad after all. She was excited. She started thinking about which movie to watch.
Alex is in the place now where the race will be held. He takes out his horse Amber and sat on Amber's back. He patted him.
Alex ~ Are you ready to give a strike, Amber? Hm..hm..
His mother suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Alex ~ Mom? So early?
Mom ~ Nothing, dear. Here, drink this energy drink.
Alex ~ Oh mom...(Drank the energy drink)
Mom ~ Ashk, Is Amber ready?
Ashk ~ Don't worry, madam. Amber is ready. I Just trained him now.
Mom ~ Good. Be careful Alex. Amber will be scared if you get scared. Don't be nervous. Focus on your goal.
Alex ~ C'mon mom! I will. Don't worry. Now, let me do my job.
Riding on Amber, Alex went to the place where other participants are standing with their horses. After some participants, It's Alex's turn.
Host ~ Now It's turn for Alex and his horse Amber.
Alex went to the starting point riding on Amber. He started. He crossed all the traps and things.
His parents were watching his performance from The audience's sit. His mom is praying.
Mom ~ Hope he doesn’t become nervous..hope he doesn’t become nervous..
Dad ~ Why are worrying too much? It's just a race.
Mom ~ He will lose if he is nervous!
Dad ~ The competition is not about winning.
Mom ~ Oh? Then what's the competition for?
Dad ~ You are very greedy. Very greedy you are.
She glared at her husband and paid attention to the race again.
He jumped Over the borders with Amber. Then his performance completed.
Host ~ Now It's turn for Grik and her horse chel! Come here!
Alex went back to his alley with Amber. His parents greeted him.
Elena and his parents are going to the Theater through their car. Elena is excited. She is looking at the scenery. Her head is outside of the window of the car.
Mother ~ Elena!!! Insert your head back! How many times do I need to tell you not to take your head out of the window?!
With a annoyed look, she inserted her head back. 'Geez....why my parents are like this?' She is thinking. My parents have money but they still act like mid-class family. Argh! They even Don't know how to spend money!
Dad ~ We are advising you for your own good, Elena.
She forced a smile.
Elena ~ Yes dad.
'Geez...We are advising you for your own good, heh. Like I am some sort of an ass', She is thinking.
Elena heard a sound of horn of a bus. Her heart suddenly stopped.
Dad ~ Oh shit!
A bus waa coming toward them! Her father tried to turn the car aside but...their car and the bus crashed.
Alex was standing in the participants's place. Waiting for the winners to be announced. His mom was so nervous and excited.
Host ~ The first one is Lila!!!!!
Everyone clapped. The girl called Lila went to the stage yo receive the medal.
Host ~ The second one is.... Alex!
Alex was excited. He went and received the medal. Then he came back to the place where his parents were standing.
Alex ~ Dad!
They hugged each other. His mom was Just staring at them.
Dad ~ My Prince. We will Have dinner at a restaurant today!
Alex ~ Yay!
Mom ~ Why? Amina will cook today. She is making Thai soup.
Dad ~ Because toady my prince won a medal!
His dad left to somewhere. Alex Just stared at his mom and then said with a cold voice --
Alex ~ You aren’t happy, right mom?
Mom ~ (Surprised) N-no. Of course I am happy. Why wouldn’t I be?
She touched Alex's shoulder but he shook it away.
Alex ~ Don't touch me! I know you are not happy about this mom! Ok mom, tell me! Why do I need to be flawless to make you happy? No matter What I do, you never be pleased for me! Ok mom, what if I didn’t become first? I still became second! Still you are disappointed!?
His voice were too loud which caught others attention. Everyone was staring at them. His mom was feeling uncomfortable.
Mom ~ What are you telling Alex? Of course I am happy! You are misunderstanding me!
Alex ~ What kind of Mom you are!?
Alex took off his medal From his neck and threw it on the ground. He left the the place. His mom started chasing after him.
Mom ~ Alex! Wait! Aleex!!! Stop!!! Alex!!
Alex didn't stop. He was disappointed. He Didn't know when he came to the road. When he was about to cross the road, he bumped into a Car.
Mom ~ ALEX!!!!!!!
Elena opened her eyes.  She found herself in a hospital. She is wondering what's going on. She heard someone saying --
??? ~ Look! She woke up!
Huh... Where am I? She is wondering. A couple  interred. When she asked, the couple said she and her parents had a car accident. The driver of that bus is arrested. He was driving without a licence.
Elena ~ Where is my Parents?
The couple exchanged glances and said with a sad voice --
Man ~ We are sorry but...
Elena ~ But..?
Woman ~ Your parents left you for forever.
Elena ~ What!? You mean--
Man ~ Yes. They died.
Elena felt a knife in her heart. She couldn’t believe that her parents died! She was speechless.
Some doctors are operating Alex in a hospital. His mom and dad are very worried.
Mom ~ Oh god..what now..
Dad ~ Calm down. Have faith. He Will heal.
Mom ~ How!? Our son had an accident and how can you be so calm Brandon!?
He just glared at his wife Dilara. Dilara's friend Nira came with something in her hand.
Nira ~ Hi Dilara. Sorry to hear that Alex had an accident.
Dilara ~ Hi Nira. Thanks for coming.
Nira ~ Um..by the way, I found this.
She handed Dilara Alex's medal. Dilara thanked her.
Nira ~ I found this on the ground of horse riding competition.
She left. Brandon turned to his wife and said --
Brandon ~ What was Alex's medal doing on the ground? What did you tell him?
Dilara ~ Why are you talking like this, Brandon? You are seeing that I am worrying.
Brandon ~ (grinding his teeth) Nothing can make you fully happy.
They looked away.
One week passed since Elena's parents died. She has started drinking a lot to forget about her parent's death. She is drinking whiskey now. Someone knocked on The door. She asked when she drunk --
Elena ~ Who is it?
Martha ~ Me!  Martha!
Elena ~ Door is opened.
Martha entered. Martha immediately took away the bottle of whiskey when she saw Elena drinking it.
Martha ~ Are you carzy!? Don't do this! You will get through this!
Alex is still unconscious. His parents Are still worrying.
Few months passed, Elena's uncle took all the money away of Elena's Parents. He even didn’t give any share of it. He waa able to take it because he was Elena's father's Heir.
Elena is currently looking for a job. She tried but didn’t get chance anywhere.
She just met with Martha. She is going back to home. It was dark night. She suddenly heard some manly voice. They came toward her and started flirting with her --
Man ~ Do you wanna have some fun babe?
Man 2 ~ Yeah! We will have a lot of fun!
Me ~ Shut up!
One of them tried to touch her. But she was too strong. She immediately grabbed the man's wrist and slapped him.
Me ~ Learn to respect girls! How dare you talk with a lady likw this!?
They got furious and came toward her to fight back. She kicked them in the stomach. She was trained as a fighter so she can self-defend herself. The men got afraid and left.
Elena ~ Heh..idiots.
She was going to leave the alley when some people appeared in front of her. They all were wearing masks. So their faces weren’t visible.
Elena ~ Now now. Do you all want to fight with ME? Who are you?
One masked man ~ We are  Team 'Red-feather'. A group of criminals.
Elena ~ Do you want to murder me? You can't. You are wasting your time.
Another masked mam ~ we are not here to murder you. We are here to give yoy an offer.
Elena ~ Offer?
The man holds Out his hand. Elena is surprised.
Another masked man ~ You seem very strong and powerful. Join our team. You will be fortunate.
A masked girl ~ Yeah. You will also get a lot of money!
Elena ~!!!!!
Elena felt different when she heard the girl saying she can earn money.
Another masked man ~ Agree?
Elena thought About it for long. Then she shook his hand and said --
Elena ~ Agree

To be Continued....

My note---
Please vote for the story guys. Please give comments! It really motivates me! I love you all!

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