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Cover: @bella_anomalies
Netflix edits: @bella_anomalies
Character aesthetics (Found in "Ads & Promo"): My dear friend, Gabby.
Character playlists: @bella_anomalies
Song references: Most songs can be found in the character playlists. Credit to all the artists – I own none of these songs.
Title reference: Aphrodite ~ Rini
Character banners: @bella_anomalies
Creative directors: Bless my friends, Shae & Gabby.
Executive director: @bella_anomalies
Screenwriter: @bella_anomalies
Muses: Bashar Jackson & Eva Apio

This book is dedicated to all my wonderful readers. This little community is very small but I appreciate each of you for taking the time to read this book! A special shout-out to writtenbyaprincess for her endless comments! I love all of you guys – even my ghost readers. Y'all know who y'all are! A special thank you to my beloved friends for feeding me ideas and motivation. This is the first ever book that I've actually completed and I feel very proud of myself. Thank y'all for coming with me on this journey.

I have a private reflection but this one is for you guys. It took a while for me to write this book but that's ok. Greatness takes time, no? Jk? Or am I? Anyways here are some notes!
- I had a set chapter limit for this book. Originally, it was supposed to be 24 chapters but I reluctantly pushed it to 26. While that helped me plan, it left little wiggle room so I had to rush over certain things. I'll refrain from setting such limits in the future!
- The update schedule was really good for me. Although I missed some weeks, it truly helped me keep the ball rolling!
- I did not use those character banners wisely. At all. Lol, imma change them up a little for book 2!
- Lastly, I need to keep the chapter lengths more consistent. Most of the inconsistencies were because I had a limit for myself but if I remove that factor, all should be well!
- Anyways, that's all I'm willing to share. Please let me know if you guys have any criticism. I would appreciate it.

That's a wrap, you guys! I really finished a whole book. My eyes are sweating. On another note, there will be a sequel. I have a lot of planning to do for it so you guys will have to wait a little bit. I need at least 10-15 chapters before I publish it. (I made the cover already and let me tell you, my talents are like fine wine. They get better with age, LMFAOOOOO). That's all I'm willing to share but just know that Aphrodite will return in the summer! I'll post an announcement two weeks before I publish the book.

I love y'all. Be safe. Don't be afraid to reach out to me for anything. I love y'all. Should I say it again? Huh? Huh? Y'all better understand my appreciation! Lord, let me go before my personality pops out too much.


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