Draco Malfoy - Laptop

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January 39th, 2021

Draco woke up and decided that he would go easy on the hair gel, using only 30 pounds instead of 45.879908 tons.

The 13 year-old depressed lonely misunderstood emo but vsco boy went to his fathers office to use the laptop that has been there since 1959. He liked to go in there to watch CNN 10, and did not age appropriate things to Carl Azuz's face on the screen.

So he was in the middle of ✨that✨, when Lucius Malfoy was coming up the stairs. Now Draco didn't know his father was a clone, or that he was kinda related to Phil Swift. He didn't even personally know Phil, they just were classmates in Pigfightrs middle school, who had been assigned o a science project together. Which meant Phil was coming over in 2 weeks. Draco had always felt some attraction to him, and found the way Phil would chug flex seal attractive.

Lucius came in without knocking, because it's his office and he didn't expect his son in there having a moment with himself. He wasn't prepared for what he walked in on.

Draco turned around at the noise of his fathers gasp. They locked eyes, but Draco continued to have fun, changing his focus to his father(incest?). Lucius saw what was on the screen, and shed a tear.

"Draco" he said, still crying

"Yes daddy?" Draco said in a seductive voice.

"I'm so proud of you"

"I would be too"

And with that, Lucius left the room. Draco turned back to the laptop and saw an add for flex seal, with a sexy, 13 year-old Phil Swift. That must have been the photo shoot Phil had left school for last week. Draco had fun with that ad.

Phil walked in on him. He was there for their science project. Draco forgot Phil was coming over today, and not in 2 weeks. And that the door was open. And that Kylie Jenner told him that Phil liked him. Again, he only turned around when he heard a gasp. Draco's jaw dropped.

You won't believe what happened after Phil fled the room

Help I've Mcfallen

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