Chapter 45 - Back to the City

Start from the beginning

"You can smell magic?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I can. But there's almost never magic around here. I really like the scent, I wish I there was more magic in the pack. How does a werewolf get magic?"

I sat on the grass and she followed. "I didn't know I had any. And I don't know how exactly a werewolf gets magic, but my friends are all gifted, so maybe that's how."

She took that and thought for a second, "So, that means I should have magic, too. Why can't I smell mine? I'll miss the scent when you guys leave."

"Well, a werewolf can't smell their own scent." I explained.

She nodded, but her huge eyes were still filled with disappointment.

I really didn't want to leave her like that.

'Don't even think about it.' Candy warned.

She was going to kill me and I was probably gonna beat myself up about it later, "You can have a strand of my hair, it should still smell like magic for a few days after we leave."

She grinned widely, eyes bright, "Really?"

I nodded, "But you have to promise not to let anyone have it."

She thrust her hand out, pinky finger poised, "I pinky promise!"

I laughed, curling my pinky around hers. Then I plucked off a length of hair and tied it around her wrist.

"You can tie it around a doll or something later. But make sure to burn it once the magic wears off, okay?"

She nodded, then captured me in a hug, "I'll take really good care of it, then I'll burn it so that no one else can have it."

I hugged her back, ignoring Candy's harrumphs and near audible eye-rolling.

We spoke some more about magic. Understandably, she didn't have much knowledge about it or any distinctions between types due to lack of exposure. My supposed magic signature was the first one with a notable difference she'd encountered, while Kaesha's was by far the strongest. I managed to explain that away with the logic that her gift was incredibly strong, so the corresponding magic must be as well.

After Karla had cheerfully left, skipping towards some of her friends, I looked around again.

Hailey had moved to playing with some children, while Kaesha was displaying her 'telekinesis' for Pammy and a guy around her age. Timothy was managing a conversation with a girl in her late teens, I think.

'Guys, if you're ready, I think it's time to go. We've still got to drive back to the city.'

They made sounds of agreement and, within fifteen minutes, we were saying our farewells.

The Alpha gave Timothy a respectful handshake and two wolves had shifted and were howling goodbye. The Beta looked a lot more relaxed but still pleased we were on our way, while Julia remained entirely passive, her hand wasn't even hovering around her dagger this time.

Robert waved, looking forlorn, aware of his forlorn look, and sheepish about it all at the same time.

I smiled and waved back, mouthing a 'thank you'.

Back in the house, I asked if they wanted a break, especially Hailey, since she'd be driving.

"It's only past four." She replied, "The drive isn't that long, we can leave now and get home before sundown."

With that decided, we loaded into the Sienna and drove down to the registration building so I could return the key.

"Hello, dearie!" Max greeted, "I hope your grams enjoyed the stay."

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