shopping and heading to shuto con

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(lucealia pov)
I was having having a peaceful sleep when all of a sudden I felt someone shake me I then opened my eyes to alois standing at the side of my bed uhh Alois what are you doing in my room I asked standing up I'm getting hungry since hannah and claude aren't here I was hoping you could make me something Alois said ohh ya I forgot Alois deepens on servents to do everything for him I said to myself I then got out of bed and looked at Alois okay I'll make something just let me get changed you go wait with ciel and others I said huhh fine Alois said clearing not likeing me telling him that hat to do.

I then got into the shower washed my hair when I was done I dryed off and put my clothes on since my bags and suit case we're already packed I walked to my bags grabbed them and walked down the stairs to see grell flirting with sebastian mey rin finny and bard were trying to work the tv while ciel Alois and Lizzy were just sitting on the couch when they sall me they all smiled hello lucealia ciel said giving a small but noticable smile ohh my God ciel!! Your smiling it makes you look so adorable lizzy said hello everyone are ready because today we'll be going to shuto con in lansing michigan to meet your voice actors I said excitedly I can wait to meet who does my voice hopefully he's as handsome as me and my bassy here grell said poking Sebastian's cheek I agree with grell I Hope she's as cute as me elizabeth said lady lucealia when exactly are we leaving for michigan sebastian asked as he gave grell a glare witch made him stop poking at his face we leave at 7:00 and since it is 2:25 we have a few hours before we ketch our plane I said looking at my watch now I suggest that you all wear what your wearing now at the panel because everyone is cosplaying there and no one will no that your the real black butler characters but while we're there you guy's need clothes so we are going to go the mall to get you new clothes.

I then walked to the closest in the living room and pulled out 8 suit cases what are those suit cases for ciel asked well since you all are coming with me to shuto con you can't just wear your normal clothes while wear there but I guess if you want to sebastian ciel Alois you can keep wearing your normal clothes if you want and as for bard finny mey rin lizzy and grell we'll get you new clothes so you can put them in these suit cases that way by the time we leave the mall you'll have clothes they'll be packed and we can then head to the airport and get on the plane I already bought extra tickets last night for you all I said handing them to everyone not wait a second I may wear the same clothes all the time but I would like some new clothes ciel said alright then what about you alois do you want any new clothes I asked the blonde earl as I went into the kitchen of course I do it will make me look more sexy not like I'm not already Alois said.
* Time skip to the mall*
We were all now at the mall looking around for a store that everyone could look around for clothes in we then found a shop witch immediately lizzy found a dress that made her eyes sparkle saying nothing about how cute the dress was I left the others to look for some clothes that they wanted I made sure to let them know that when they find something to let me know since I was going with lizzy to find more dresses for her.

(Ciel pov)
As lucealia and lizzy went to find other clothes and dresses everyone else desided to go with another as you can guess grell went with sebastian the servents went with each other and I was left with the last person I want to be with Alois trancy isn't this fun ciel we get spend some time together come in let's go find some new things to wear Alois said talking my hand in his we then walked to one section of the store were there were some clothes that I can see myself wearing as me and Alois looked through the clothes I then found some clothes that I liked I found a short blue jacket a shirt with black and white strips on them and black pants.

(Ciel pov)As lucealia and lizzy went to find other clothes and dresses everyone else desided to go with another as you can guess grell went with sebastian the servents went with each other and I was left with the last person I want to be with Aloi...

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