Peer Pressure & Eavesdropping

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chris kept fidgeting, obviously uncomfortable. he couldn't get into the show at all. after what seemed like forever, he finally got up.
"where's the bathroom? i gotta change into my shorts. this ain't working for me."
marsha looked at him for a second and pointed to a hallway.
"down the hall to your left. here, i'll show you." she stood up and led him to the bathroom.
"thanks" he said walking past her. before he could shut the door, she went in after him.

frankie looked at autumn and manda with a look of disbelief.
"she really just went in there with him." manda looked just as horrified as frankie was and autumn just laughed and said, "i wonder what they're doing."
manda shook her head and laughed "and she drugged him too? aww man he's gonna start tripping in there!" frankie and autumn laughed at her comment.
a few minutes went by and autumn got up. "let's go eavesdrop"
frankie got excited and stood up with her.
"old school style with cups!" she giggled. they all went to the door and pressed their cups up to it.
"y'all hear anything?" manda asked. "naw ima get the stethoscope" autumn said, barely containing her laughter.

chris stared at the mirror for a minute before he realized that marsha was in the bathroom with him. she looked at him and asked,
"this your first time having weed brownies?" he looked down at his hands.
"this is my first time having weed at all." the brownies were taking effect and his pants were really bugging him for some odd reason. he looked over at her and asked
"you're just gonna watch me change?" she looked blankly at him, not understanding the problem.
"yeah, i won't bite. i mean only if it's okay with you." she said while looking at him nervously. he turned around and quickly changed his pants to his basketball shorts and smiled warmly at her, eyes continuing to get low from his high kicking in.
"okay, i'm finished."
marsha grabbed his arm as he started to walk past her.
"not so fast. let me get comfortable too" she said as she took off her uniform shirt, revealing her sports bra. his eyes dipped down to look at her cleavage while he muttered,
"okay, i'll watch" something he couldn't hear himself saying normally so he blamed it on his high. his eyes started to get even lower as he bit his lip.
"man, i feel dizzy."
ignoring his comment about being dizzy, marsha smiled and asked
"are you uncomfortable with me like this chris?" he shrugged it off with an "i'm fine."

frankie was growing impatient. "whaaaat's going on? omg she's gonna rape him! y'all hear that?" autumn was getting frustrated too.
"fuck it, we've gotta move closer" she said as she got on her knees and pressed her ear to the door. the other girls did the same.

"you mind if i get more comfortable?" marsha asked. chris looked lost and replied, "and how's that?"
she tugged at her pants.
"these uniform pants are uncomfortable."
chris gave her a smirk. she winked back and added,
"don't worry, i have panties on today." he smiled and said okay as she took her pants off.

frankie laughed and said,
"we're some fucking perverts." autumn gave her a straight faced look saying "she's so damn obvious!"
amanda chimed in.
"hell yeah. she's not slick at allll" frankie said, "fuck school! we've got real life porn right here!"
autumn and amanda laughed.
"hell yeah this is hot. we're all in, fuck school!" autumn added.

"have you ever kissed a girl, chris?" marsha asked him. uncomfortable at her topic of conversation, he looked away and said, "no, i haven't." she smiled and stepped towards him.
"i could teach you if you know so you can fit in at school" she said awkwardly.

frankie shook her head and said "she's gonna take that boys innocence tsk tsk. oooh girl get him!!" shortly after she said it she realized how loud she had been and covered her mouth. "oops! that was too loud"
amanda tried to shush her but it was too late. they heard some fumbling around but didn't know what was going on in there.

before chris could answer he heard a voice at the door.
"i think i hear something at the door. somebody will see" he said nervously. "chris am i scaring you?" marsha asked. "it's just a kiss, we're friends right?" she added hesitantly, looking into his eyes. he clutched the pants hanging off his arm tightly, becoming much more nervous than before. he moved around marsha and tried to open the door but felt some resistance like something was blocking it, and a loud thud.
the other girls tried to move out of the way but were too late. the door bonked all three of them hard on their heads.
marsha slammed the door back shut after chris was out and put her clothes back on.
he stood outside the door and looked at his friends on the floor rubbing their heads. "y'all were listening..?"
autumn quickly responded,
"whaaat? naw we gotta pee" she tried to keep her face straight as possible.
chris turned to marsha as she walked out of the bathroom.
"i'll get back to you on that okay? umm we're all friends. so friends kiss?" he asked confused. his question went unanswered though as frankie spoke up, still rubbing her head,
"damn you guys sure don't take caution for eavesdroppers" she caught herself and laughed
"i snitched on myself!" amanda laughed at her slip up and frankie covered her face out of embarrassment. chris apologized.
"i didn't know sorry." he then smiled and rubbed her head "you did tell on yourself" she just kept laughing and told him it was alright. autumn shook her head.
"i think we're gonna have concussions" chris frowned. he felt bad so he kissed their foreheads.
"now this i've done before. i'm sorry"

Where it All StartedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora