Awkward Introductions

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"why am i always the first one here?" frankie groaned as she walked in the classroom. she headed to the far left side of the room and went to the back where her and her girls always sit. there was another group of stuck up, more popular girls that sat on the other side and they wouldn't be caught dead associating with them bitches.
she put in her headphones and quietly listened to the weeknd as she waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. not too long after, ppl started showing up. seats were slowly filling and before ya know it, in walked autumn and amanda, laughing and cutting up.
they spotted frankie in the back and headed towards her, still laughing about whatever it was that they found amusing at the moment.
"heyyy flan!!" amanda said sitting to her left, diagonally. frankie took a headphone out and smiled as she waved at manda and autumn, who sat to frankie's left directly beside her. "what were you guys laughing about?" she asked eyeballing the girls who were now smiling brightly.
"ohhh nothing much. just the usual; ass watching" autumn said laughing loudly now and amanda quickly joined her. frankie rolled her eyes and giggled at them.
"y'all ain't shit" they heard the class snickering and quickly looked in the direction of what had their attention. it was a boy; a nerdy looking boy at that. he looked a bit over six foot maybe? and had dorky glasses, with a white t-shirt under a red polo and khaki pants. he had on some red, black, and white jays, but it wasn't his clothes that gave away the fact that he was a nerd. it was his awkwardness and the way he couldn't make eye contact.
he sat a few seats up from the girls and the snickering died down. amanda leaned back and whispered,
"hey guys, check him out. nerd alert! he's cute though" she smirked. frankie and autumn smiled and nodded in agreement. not even five minutes after the boy sat down, the small crew's last member, marsha, came strolling in. she noticed the boy right away because he was in front of the girls and as she walked by, she rubbed her ass up against his shoulder. he apologized as if it were his fault and looked away. manda whispered,
"oh my god she didn't" and put her head down as frankie and autumn watched in disbelief.
she sat in front of frankie, beside amanda, and turned to her friends immediately asking who the sexy nerd was. he glanced back at them and gave a small smile. he noticed one of them had freckles, but looked away before she took notice that he was smiling at her. autumn spoke up first.
"marsha wtf? i bet you scared tf outta him" she laughed the last part. marsha just shrugged it off and asked what his name was.
"we don't know. class hasn't started yet. we were gonna wait for roll call to find out." frankie said.
before anything else could be said, the bell rang and the teacher, miss holbrook, told everyone to be seated. she went down the roll and it didn't take long for her to get to the new kid.
"christopher brown" he raised his head long enough to say present and put it back down. marsha quickly tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to look at her with a questioning look.
"you have a really nice name. i'm ma--" she was cut off by the teacher calling her name.
"marsha crawford" she straightened up and answered
"here!" and smiled at christopher. he smiled back and said
"you've got a nice name too. nice to meet you." she said "likewise" and leaned back in her seat. her friends gave her a knowing look and she smiled nervously at them.
"what? i'm just being nice guys damn" manda rolled her eyes, "uh huhh we know girl"
frankie and autumn both laughed at their predictable friends and pulled out last nights homework, knowing miss holbrook would ask for it as soon as roll call was over. surprisingly they all done their homework. frankie usually procrastinated and didn't get it done.
"frankie you did your homework?!" autumn asked jokingly. frankie half heartedly glared at her.
"why yes. yes, i did"
class went on as usual and it was already time to start getting ready to leave. chris was up and out the door as soon as the bell rang to avoid the rude comments of his fellow students. manda and marsha had wanted to ask him to sit with them at lunch so they took off after him; frankie and autumn following close behind.
chris glanced back in time to see the girls chasing after him and sped up, thinking they might have had a change of heart and wanted to tease him too. by the time they finally caught him, they were a bit out of breath.
"i just wanted to tell you you dropped your pen!" marsha said, winded from speed walking but holding the pen out to him. he reached out to take it but noticed the pen was pink and most certainly not his.
"that's not my pen." he said pulling his hand back. marsha not realizing he didn't grab it, let go and the pen dropped to the floor. he was about to pick it up for her but she cut him off.
"don't worry about it. i've got it!" she bent over making sure to poke her ass out in his direction and retrieved the pen; biting her lip as she stood up. manda interrupted,
"girl stop! he doesn't want to look at your ass!" then she turned and smiled at chris. "you want to sit with us at lunch? unless you have other plans..?" he looked around with uncertainty but could think of no reason as to why he couldn't sit with them.
"sure, i can sit with you guys"
the girls all smiled and told him they'd see him later and headed to class not knowing they'd be seeing him for the rest of the day.

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