Metropolis High

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Your Parents drop you off at Metropolis high on your first day of school. you brace yourself for anything bad to happen.

Y/N: well, at least it's better than prison.

At that moment another car comes up. and red-haired girl called Barbara "Babs" Gordon comes out of the car.

Commissioner Gordon: Don't worry, pumpkin-pants, you'll find a new "clique".

Her dad drives off.

Then another car comes up a blonde girl named Kara Danvers. comes out of it and starts talking to her legal guardians in the front.

Kara: I'm just saying I don't know why I'm being punished for something I didn't do.

Eliza Danvers: And we hear you saying you "didn't do it," Kara. Let's reframe our thinking.

Kara groans.

Eliza Danvers: Maybe a new school is less a punishment and more an adventure.

Jeremiah Danvers: One that could help you be the best Kara you can be. And as your legal guardians, it's our responsibility to help you on your journey to impulse control.

Kara then grunts and slams the door so hard that it breaks.

Jeremiah Danvers: Or don't. Whatever's right for you.

Y/N: What...

Just then a bus pulls up and people start getting down from it. A small girl in a bumblebee striped shirt trips over and her bag breaks open with everything spilling out.

You go over to help her out.

Y/N: Hi, i'm Y/N!

Then Babs comes over to help as well.

Babs: And I'm Babs!

Karen: *whispering*I'm Karen.

Babs: I'm new here.

Y/N: So am I!

Karen: *whispering* Oh. Ok. that's nice.

Babs: So what's it like- Huh?

Babs looks at you as you pull out a metal gauntlet from Karen's bag. She is confused, not because of the gauntlet, because of your arm, which was longer than it was supposed to be as you stretch it back to normal size. Karen grabs the gauntlet and puts it in her bag and runs away.

Babs: Uh.. Bye? Anyways it's nice to meet you Y/N.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too, Babs.

Then a Limo pulls up as a purple haired girl named Zee comes out of it.

Zee: Bye Daddy!

Then Her Father calls to her.

Giovanni Zatara: Zee, you forgot your backpack.

Then when you and Babs look at her, she suddenly had it in her hands.

Zee: Thanks Daddy! Toodles!

You and Babs look at each other.

Babs: Ok, that was weird.

Y/N: Your telling me.

Later At lunch

You were sitting all on your own eating your spaghetti and meatballs reading a comic book. You look up to see Babs attempting to throw a handful of spaghetti at Kara. By the time You could do something about it, It was too late as she had already thrown it.

You were confused, But at the same time I didn't want anything to do with it, so you were ready to run for it.

Kara looked around the cafeteria to see who threw the food. She spots You, and because you were eating spaghetti, She then throws her burger at you, and it misses you.

Y/N: Bruh.

But It was about to hit Karen, the girl you and Babs met at the bus.

It's fired back at Kara by a girl named Jessica Cruz.

Well, technically, It wasn't fired back at Kara, Instead, It hits Zee's hair.

Zee: My hair...

Y/N*to himself*: Oh no.

Zee: MY HAIR!!

She gets angry and throws a carton of milk at Kara, who ducks and it instead hits Jess.

Then Kara throws a sandwich at You but she misses and it hits Zee.

Then Babs jumps on a table...


...And It was a free-for-all.

There was food everywhere.

You then tried to run to the exit, only to be tackled to the ground by a pile.

You tried getting out of the pile, but it was too late. The principal came to play.

Everyone stops and immediately points at the girls and you.

Mr Chapin: You Six, let's go!

Babs, Jess, Kara, Karen, Zee and Y/N: Huh?

Kara then splat a cupcake on Zee.

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