keefitz coffee shop au

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hi hello today i am obsessed with coffee shop au's expect a lot of them in the next few days lol so here's some keefitz--

tw: food,,, that's it, tell me if there's more

word count: 900

Fitz had been staring at this one line of text for approximately an hour.

He had a nagging feeling that it might have been more actually, he'd lost track of time. The mounds of homework he had weren't going to complete themselves, he knew that. He also knew it would probably have been smart to start doing all of this earlier. 

It was just that he'd been busy all week with Biana dragging him off to different events and forcing him to try new things. She said he needed to "get out more" and he very much disagreed, but no amount of protesting would stop Biana when she wanted something.

And look where that had got him. Knee-deep in homework, most of which was due tomorrow.  Fitz had been here for two hours already and had finished exactly two assignments. His brain had chosen the perfect time to go on vacation. And it seemed the only solution Fitz could think of was ordering coffee on repeat in an attempt to get it working again.

There had been many orders. Many. The table was littered with straw wrappers and empty cups of caffeine, stacked on top of each other as they fought for space. Fitz's papers and textbooks were also piled on a corner, teetering high enough that they threatened to fall off the edge any moment now. 

Fitz didn't bother rearranging the mess of a table he sat in. He only groaned in dismay as he realized he'd squandered half his time doing close to nothing. 

Seems like I'm up for another all-nighter.

"Want to order something else?"

The voice made Fitz jump before he turned to look up at the waiter, who was waiting for an answer. The shiny plastic nametag fixed to their shirt read "Keefe". The part that was presumably meant for his last name was scribbled out with Sharpie.

Keefe coughed, still waiting for an answer. Shaking his head, Fitz answered, "No, I'm fine."

"Great." With a scrape of metal against the floor, Keefe pulled out a chair for himself, plopping down on the hard plastic and clearing a small space for himself on the mess known as Fitz's table.

Fitz's table.

"W-Why are you sitting here?" Fitz hated the way his voice cracked as he looked at Keefe's face, cute as it was. He was here for work. Not for boys, however good-looking and charming they were.

Keefe gestured around the cafe and Fitz finally noticed how empty it was. He and Keefe were the only ones here, all the other customers had eventually left.

"It's a slow day. So I thought, 'hey, why not talk to the cute, interesting boy here?'"

Fitz blushed furiously,  feeling as if his cheeks were on fire. He looked down, unable to meet Keefe's eyes, probably sparkling with amusement. "I--"

He could imagine the other boy smirking at the knowledge he'd successfully managed to stun Fitz into silence with only a casual sentence. Fitz didn't get flustered easily, at least that was what he told himself. But this person was smooth, too smooth for his own good and Fitz really could not function this way.

His cheeks were still hot with embarrassment as he opened up another document on his laptop, typing a few more words for his essay and obstinately ignoring Keefe. 

(He failed massively; all he managed to do was notice how Keefe's hair was perfectly styled, his eyes a piercing ice blue that Fitz couldn't look at for too long without his dark cheeks darkening further in a blush)

Keefe didn't seem to mind the way Fitz was pointedly avoiding looking at him. The blonde only propped his head up on his hands and stared out the window. 

It turns out, it's incredibly hard to focus on your work when there's a really cute boy hardly a foot away from you and you're close enough to see the way the light catches on his eyelashes and--

Keefe noticed the way Fitz was staring and only smirked harder, his pink lips twitching in amusement. "Looking at someone?"

Fitz shook his head wildly, immediately jerking his gaze back down at his laptop screen. Work. You need to freaking work.

Keefe didn't seem to agree with that plan. 

He shamelessly flirted with Fitz over the span of the next forty-five minutes, each new pickup line sending heat rushing to Fitz's face and turning his cheeks red as he got more flustered than he'd ever thought was possible.

Finally, Fitz groaned, shutting his laptop closed as he decided to the rest of his work tomorrow. Looking at Keefe, he asked, "What do you want?"

"Your number, for one," Keefe said smoothly, not missing a beat. He stared straight into Fitz's brown eyes, and Fitz couldn't detect any sign that Keefe was kidding.


Keefe waited. 

Fitz bit his lip, fingering the case of his phone. He wasn't the type to do spontaneous things like this, Biana was the one who'd give her number out to five different people after talking to them for only a few minutes.

Still. Keefe seemed like he wouldn't take no for an answer. And also he was awfully cute and--

Fitz suddenly pulled out his phone before he overthought it like he normally did. "Sure," he said, not skipping the way Keefe's eyes lit up and a childish smile spread over his face. 

Five minutes later Fitz Vacker was walking out of the coffee shop with Keefe Sencen's phone number. And surprisingly, he didn't regret it.

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