Bath Time

455 19 12

Mark hopped off the bed, and down the stairs, walking backwards, still trying to get used to four legs attached to his body. Mark already saw Spencer running up to Ethan and jumping and kissing him.
"Yes yes, I missed you too" Ethan said placing all the shopping bags on the counter then kneeling down, while petting Spencer, Mark could tell he did this more then once.

Once Spencer calmed down, Mark walked over.
"It's good to see you too Poof" Ethan said petting Mark behind the ear, knowing he doesn't like being touched. Ethan brought his hand under his nose and smelled it, then his face wrinkled up.
"Poof you need to take a bath, like right now" he said getting off the ground and garbing a bottle from one of the shopping bags, he started to pick up Mark, out of habit, Mark moved away from him. "Oh sorry, you can just follow me" Ethan said moving towards the stairs. Mark was a bit hesitant, but did what he asked.

Once Mark made it to the bathroom, Ethan was already running the bathtub, checking every now and then to see if was a good temperature. "Good thing I got cat shampoo at the pet store today" Ethan said.
'Oh, that's what he got from the bag' Mark thought sitting on the rug next to him.

Once the tub was filled, Ethan turned to Mark and pointed at the tub, "Can you get in by yourself?". Mark took one look at the tub and walked out the door, 'No way is he thinking I'm getting in that tub and letting him bath me' Mark thought walking down the hall, he almost made it to the stairs until he felt two hands around his stomach and was lifted off of the ground. "Sorry to do this" Ethan said walking towards the bathroom awkwardly, holding Mark in his hands under his arms, so Mark could see in front of him, he didn't want to hurt Ethan so he tried not to move, but he was, indeed, extremely uncomfortable.

When Ethan was in the bathroom, he placed Mark in the tub.
"You good now?" Ethan said sitting on the ground while getting a cup from the sink to pour water on him, Mark didn't mind him pouring water on him. Once Mark was soaked in water, Ethan squirted cat shampoo onto his hand, and starting massaging it into Mark's fur, Ethan started with his head, Mark didn't feel to uncomfortable with that, next was down his neck and his front legs and paws, Mark did move quite a bit when Ethan was touching his neck, but it didn't last that long, so he was fine.
Then Mark's back, that area was fine, until, Ethan moved down to his under belly, Mark's tail and ears shoot straight up and Mark jumped out the tub, running towards the door, he made it to the door frame when Ethan grabbed him, Mark still dripping wet with water and cat shampoo turned to him and meowed, meaning to say 'fuck off', but it didn't quite translate.
"Come on Poof, I'm almost done" Ethan said lifting Mark off the ground and placing him in the tub, again. This time Ethan was a lot more carful about his under belly, Mark tried to jump out of the tub again, but this time Ethan caught him in mid air.

Ethan finished off with his back legs and tail, "Okay all done, now time to rinse" Ethan said grabbing his cup from the ground next to him. 'Jesus, this is taking forever' Mark thought while Ethan dumped water on him.
"Okay I'm going to use the hand shower, I know you don't understand me, but I thought you should know" Ethan said standing up and turning back on the water, trying to switch the water from the tub valve to the hand shower.
"Got it" Ethan said, sitting back down with the water running. Mark was fine since it was on low pressure, Ethan made sure not to go near his face with the hand shower, but Ethan had to stop Mark, again, from jumping out the tub because he used the hand shower to rinse his under belly.
"I'm sorry! but I have to!" Ethan said placing him back in the tub.

"Okay done, now just vibe for a minute while I grab a towel" Ethan said, getting off the ground and moving towards the cabinets under the sink.
'I'm cold' Mark thought, looking like a drenched sewer rat, 'He better not touch me for a whole year after this'
"Okay got a towel" Ethan said sitting on the ground again, he pat the ground, signalling that Mark should sit next to him.
Mark tried climbing out of the tub, but that ended up with Mark on his back, still in the tub, and getting water everywhere. Ethan got back up and helped him. 'I hate it here' Mark thought.
"You look cold Poof," Ethan said starting to dry him off, "Is that better?"
'I want to leave' Mark thought.

After Ethan was done drying Mark off to the best of his ability, they both headed to Ethan's bedroom since it was already 9:30, Spencer was already at the foot of his bed, sound asleep.
"Oh, I should probably put this away" Ethan said, picking up his journal, and placing it in his bookshelf.
'I wasn't done reading that' Mark thought jokingly, but something deep inside of him, he really wanted to find out who he was writing about in his last entry.

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