The owlet that is also white

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     Shiro why and how did you get here?




"Skull!" someone yelled. Burning pain, he feels so very tired, something is being drained away and it's taking his life with it.

He shoved a piece of parchment to the closet one near him, he doesn't remember who"G-Go... here... T-They'll, they'll help... you a-as best as t-they can" he panted, feeling his life giving away "It... It was... nice... m-meeting, you a-all... and b-being part... of.. th..." he whispered as he gave into sweet oblivion.

The last thing he remembers before handing himself to the arms of death, are the blurry faces of the Arcobaleno.

Skull shuddered at the memory, he didn't remember all of it of course as he stated but it was a bitch to actually remember that part since it came with the phantom pain of whatever was draining his life force away, along with what he suspected was either his flames or magic, maybe both who knows? Oh wait, maybe the white haired jerk over there might know.

As if predicting his thoughts, Byakuran looked up and met his gaze with a smirk, Skull clenched his jaw in annoyance... That bastard...

"O-Oh! Hibari-san! Welcome back" he hears Tsuna say as the door sounds open then closes "A-Ale? Wh-What's that Hibari-san?" Skull listens in with half an ear, probably a spoil of victory from whoever the tenth cloud guardian was fighting him on his way here. Skull takes a sip of his coffee, it was now lukewarm from the time he spent remembering probably

"Aaah~! What a beautiful baby owl~" Skull chokes, Byakuran snickers, no doubt the bastard knows whats going on! Asshole!


Skull hears Kyoya 'speaking' for the first time since he had come back and he can sense the pleased hum in his grunt "New friend! New friend! New friend! Shiro! Shiro! Shiro!" blinking Skull looks to the empty doorway that sourced the small voice.

If he wasn't mistaken it was... Hibird, right? One of the chicks that defected from Bird and joined Hibari Kyoya, smart little bird that one... Shiro... Skull gulps, he hopes he's wrong, but just in case he stands up and peeks into the other room. Please let his instincts be wrong...!

Skull gave a silent whimper as he saw the small snowy owlet that was now in Sawada Tsunayoshi's hands, that owlet! He could tell any owl from each other and he was pretty sure that what the brunet had in his hands was Hedwig's great grand-nephew! Shiro, looked exactly like Hedwig except smaller and male, and was supposed to be at home, in his nest with his sisters. But apparently not!

Skull ducked his head and sweated, glaring at the white haired teen as he laughed on the floor at his predicament.

"Mmh? Huh, what a cute snowy owlet, kora" Skull freezes, he knows that tick, that very tick that liked to mock him along with-

"Chaos, Kyoya, Dame-Tsuna, Colonnello... What's a snowy owlet doing here?"


How was he going to get Shiro now?! No doubt Lucy is worrying about her missing baby! Along with the rest of the family! Oh, what about Hedwig?! She might be worrying her heart out right now, she might suffer an owl heart attack from worry!

Theater curtains reveal an old Hedwig holding a cane, and in traditional gray kimono, another owl which was brown in a yellow dress suited for mothers, another owl which was gray, in a formal suit wearing a mustache.

"MY BABY~! WHERE IS HE~?!" Lucy, the brown owl in a dress, wailed, crying into her husband/mates wings with a handkerchief somehow clutched in her wings "Don't worry dear, we'll find him..." Dorian, the owl in the suit, soothed.

Skull's illusionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ