Chapter 7: [The Iron Fan's of War]

Start from the beginning

[Coro! : Shishou!]

Still Gray/Matsuri POV:

starting another new morning on this world, I decide to change my Everyday training to a light jog and a hundred swings with the [Gunbai] Every Morning


Damn this is exhausting

my shoulder muscles are becoming stiff and are starting to hurt like hell!


finishing a hundred swings with the big ass wood fan, I along with Tofu and Levi decided to go back to the Food district of [Josiah Village]

after eating with the two I leave them alone at the Apartment for they fell asleep after eating...they must have been really tired with the extra hard training and slaying monsters today

"I'll bring them snacks to eat when I come back"

"Oi, Kid"


I immediately Pull out my [Gunbai] out of my item pouch and turned to look back at the Old husky voice calling out for me

"Why do you seek strength?"

An Old man at his 40's with his straight long white hair tied on his back, he wore a plain brown robe that covered his whole body and has black eyes similar to the people at my previous world

"Thats none of your business old fart"

"hmmm...well... want me to train you?- to become stronger that is..."

"Haaah? Why would I follow you"

"yeah yeah babble all you want I dont care, I'm gonna train you anyways"


Af if teleporting behind me really fast, I couldn't even follow his movements with my eyes

he then grabbed the collar of my Shirt and started dragging me on the floor

"OI OLDH BASHTARD IM CHOKHINHGN!!!" (MC is getting choked here so he's having difficulty talking)

he looses his grip a little

he doesn't seem to be dangerous judging from his aura and personality

"Who the hell are you?! Oi Shitty Jiji, Where the hell are we going?" (Jiji:Old man)

"just call me Master and were going to My house"

"huh? what the hell stop dragging me, fine I'll go!!!"

"yeah...No way"

What a shameless Old fart

"Hey, Why would you help me train anyway...?"

"because you remind me of someone I knew in the past"

The Energetic air around him seemed to be Getting Sadder when He mentioned knowing someone from the past, Maybe I shouldn't ask him for more sensitive information

"Fine! Train me all you want to your hearts content!"

"Huhahahah well said boy!"

While we were walking-no not walking he was literally dragging me even when I said I would agree to him

We finally got to his House

"F*ck, You made my clothes all dirty!"

he slaps my back while saying

"What a trash personality you have..., As expected of my Student! and here I thought you were Noble and pure hearted because of your Face and persona that you always display to the public! BUHAHAHAHAHA!"

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