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Summary: Colby keeps coming home late because of altercations at work, Sam and their daughter enjoyed their own company and surprised Colby when he got home.

"Okay Amira we have to get everything ready for daddy remember?"

"Ooh yes I'll go get the poster!" Their five year old daughter squealed as she took off down the hallway, giggling and screaming the whole way. Sam smiled and laughed to himself as he turned off Beauty and the Beast, laying a nice rug out and cleaning up the kitchen area.

"Dadddyy!! The poster ripped." She pouted as she held up the two pieces of paper, which were once one.

"Oh that's okay sweetie, I'll fix it for you, why don't you go run into your room and get changed while daddy fixes this?"

"Okay!" She squeals as she takes off running again. He chuckles and lays the poster on the kitchen bench, grabbing some tape out he cut off a strip and carefully laid it across the sheet of paper, the rip not even noticeable anymore.

"I'm home." Colbys voice entered the quiet house, Sam was quick to run over and slam his hand over his mouth. Colby thought he was in the mood and grabbed his hips.

"No, you stupid big oaf. Our daughters trying to surprise you so get your ass back outside and wait for the signal!" Sam pushed him back outside as Colby chuckled and grabbed his briefcase, standing their looking like a figurine before the door was slammed in his face. He peered into the window and watched from outside.

"Dadda? What was that?"

"I was just fixing your poster sweetie." She smiled and made grabby hands, Sam lifted her up and they both examined the poster, she clapped her hands together and hugged Sams neck, he laughed and rubbed her back.

"Can we hang it up now?"

"Of course."

Tapping her nose, she giggled and swatted his finger. Placing her back down, Sam bent down and stuck it to the wall.

The poster was in the perfect position, she ran around on the spot. Sam went to the fridge and got the cupcakes out as well as the sandwiches they made while dancing to Beauty and the beast.

"Quick I think I just heard daddy pull up." Sam whispered as she giggled some more, they both sat down on the floor and waited for Colby to walk in. She was eagerly jumping up and down as Sam watched her, the front door swung open and Colby stood there.

"DADDDA!!" Amira ran to him, arms open wide, he leant down and scooped her up, peppering kisses all over her face, Sam watched as she threw her head back and kicked her legs squealing at his actions.

"Oh what.. oh my gosh this is gorgeous."

He finally looked up from her and saw their little setup, his heart felt full at the little family that had created. He put Amira down and she ran to the kitchen counter and sat down, wiggling her legs back and forth as she waited.

"Surprise!" Sam laughed as he got up and hugged Colby. Colby kissed his neck appreciatively as their daughter sat patiently watching them.

"This was the best surprise ever."

His arms stayed wrapped around Sams waist as he smiled up at him, he truly felt at peace.

"You're very welcome but it was really all Amiras idea."

Colbys mouth fell open and he swivelled towards Amira who had her hands on her face and was giggling hysterically at him. He let go of Sam and ran over tackling her in a hug and tickling her as she squealed and squirmed.

Sam walked over and sat down opposite them, he took a sandwich as moaned at the taste. Their heads both popped up and she grabbed one also, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Colbys eyes however had a twinge of lust in them as he heard the noise. Sam went bright red and he looked down, trying to hide his smirk.


Sam had to make sure she was okay three times before she went to bed because she always forgot something.

"Have a good sleep darling."

She buried her head in the pillow and cuddled her toy dog closer to her chest, mumbling slightly as he exited her room and closed the door, the faint music box playing in her room making him smile.

Creeping back to his room, he made sure to turn off the kitchen light on the way. Opening his door, he looked over at Colby who was passed out on the bed, he smiled and closed their door.

Sitting down on the bed softly, Colby mumbled something and Sam lied down next to him, just gazing at him.

How lucky am I?

His eyes slowly opened, a smile taking over his face.

"I missed you."

Colby scoffed and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"You have Amira, it seems you love her more than me."

"Your both my favourite people in the world.."

Sam leaned down and kissed his scoff away, he giggled and they just stayed there for a little while bathing in each other's warmth and love.

"I love you."

"I love you as well."

Sam pecked him on the lips once more before cuddling down next to him, his grip on his waist got tighter as he sighed into his neck, kissing it slightly and nuzzling his head into the back of Sams neck.

Yea.. this was his home.

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