Halfway across the world

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"I'm so proud of you Colby!" Sam excitedly laughed as he hugged his best friend, feeling how Colbys chest vibrated with his own laughter.

"It's such a big step, I mean I have a new job offer in Europe of all places!"


"I thought it was Mexico?"

"They changed it last second, but don't worry I'll be back in like six months." Colby pulled away and grabbed his bags off the ground, Sam stood their with a smile plastered on his face, the floor beneath him felt uneven.

"You promise to keep in contact?"

"Of course, your my best friend nothing will stop me from contacting you."

Sam smiled genuinely at that and hugged him once more,
He took a deep breathe, loving how Colby smelt of off cologne and musk.


"Without you? No way."

That was their last conversation almost five months later, Sam still hadn't heard anything back from Colby no matter how many times he called him or texted him.. it was radio silent.

He was a little pissed off, because he would post online and comment on others posts, never on Sams. He was annoyed that his best friend was ignoring him, whether intentionally or not.

"Pick up, pick up.."

He bounced on his feet as the phone dialed and rang, the anxiety eating away at his skin.

"You've reached the mailbox of Colby Brock, leave a message peeps."

Sighing, he rubbed his eyes and ended the call, sitting down on the couch he turned on the news and watched as the world got even worse.

"Fuck sakes."


He didn't even truly understand what he did as he walked into the big building, placing his bag down and talking to the lady behind the desk. It only really hit him when he was halfway through the airplane and almost to his seat.

What the fuck am I doing?

Placing his luggage above him, he sat down in his seat and rubbed his hands down his thighs, trying to get rid of the clammy ness he only just realised he had.

Turning on his phone, he scrolled through his unopened messages as he waited for the plane to take off.

Boring.. boring..

Clicking on his moms contact, he held it to his ear as he bit his fingernails.

"Hey honey what's up?"

"I'm on a plane."  The lines silent as his leg starts to bounce.


"To see Colby, he's not answering any of my texts or calls and it's been 5 months, I miss him."

"Why are you going though? Why not wait till he gets back, what if he's deep in work and can't get to you."

"I just.. I can't help but feel somethings wrong or I don't know something."

"Like what darling?"

"Like if I don't go see him now, I'm gonna explode."

She chuckles, Sam rolls his eyes and looks down at his uneven fingernails, contemplating whether to hang up or not.

"That feeling you have, is love."

"Yea of course hes my best friend I love him."

"No, you love him."

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