1. Divya and Arjun

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Divya, she is the definition of innocent. She is bubbly and can be talkative with her favourite people. She is not very beautiful but an average Indian girl with big black almond eyes, small nose and fuller lips. She has olive skin tone. She is petite with height 5'2 and have round face with cubby cheeks. She also have cute dimples on both her cheek.

She is orphan, her parents passed away in car accident when she was 2 years old baby, she was the only one survive in the accident and its still miracle that she alive of that teribble accident. She is clumsy, messy, childish and had a don't care policy. She create this policy when she was 5 years old as she don't want to get hurt by anyone as she learnt the truth that her relative abandoned her as soon as her parents passed away. She still don't know about her parents as her relative didn't said anything about her family to Mother because scare that she will find them one day.

She has a best friend comes sister named Sandya. She also orphan like Divya. Sandya had medium colour skin tone, height like 5'6, heart shape face, big brown round eyes, pointed nose and wide lips. Divya and Sandya grow up together in Angel Home Orphanage in Chennai, India. They very close to each other, Sandya like a big sister to Divya even though they both are same age. Sandya are more matured and responsibility than Divya. She always took care and be there for Divya.

Divya are more care free and she doesn't care what people thinking and saying. She always do whatever makes her happy as long as it's not hurt anyone. She only cares and listen to Sandya and Mother of Angel Home.

Arjun Singhania is definition of perfection. He is mixed as his father is Punjabi and his mother is Tamil. He is elder son of Mr. Rajveer Singhania and Vidya.

From kid, he is different from other kids around his age as he was gifted with intelligence, photogenic memory and have good hearing ability compare to others. He is a way too smart and mature to his age, he already start going to school when he is only 4 years old.

He also very good looking as both his parents are handsome and beautiful. He got his gorgeous gray eyes from his mother. His eyes eyes have fleeks of gold and brown also may confused to blue at first glance.

He love his mother more than anything in this world as she always there for him doesn't matter how much busy she is. She raise him with full of love but his siblings,Atharva and Yamuna are not very close to his mother compare to him. They actually dislike her because they think she very partial toward them and love their brother more.

She study business and manage one of her father's hospital branch in London. She couldn't become a doctor like her family member's . All her parents and siblings are doctor except her because she had blood phobia since kid. So, she took decision to manage their hospital in London together with her elder sister Nidhiya.

His father, Rajveer Singhania is world known scientist and he is very busy man. He always give prioritise to his work and negligent his family because of that. He love his family but he didn't know how to express his love. He is close to his younger daughter Yamuna Singhania. Arjun start hates his father as he is not there when his mother fall in sick.

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