Ch 24 - Sibling Rivalry

Start from the beginning

Branwen sighed. "You're my brother too, Sirius, but really, a silly broken arm isn't worth all this fuss."

Remus had righted himself after Sirius' careless push, and came to stand by Branwen's head. "She's right, Sirius. She'll be out catching that Snitch again come Monday morning."

At that moment, Madam Pomfrey bustled over. "Boys, you know not to crowd the patient. Out of the way, please." They parted and the Healer placed her hands on her hips, frowning down at Branwen. "Once a month visits weren't enough for you, Miss Potter?"

Branwen blushed.

"Well, let me see that arm." Madam Pomfrey checked her over, using her wand to detect any lingering cracks in the bones. She checked her temperature, her pulse, and her respiration. "Very well, young lady. Get out of here and don't let me see you again. At least for another week." She winked.

Remus and James each took one of Branwen's arms. "Boys," she rolled her eyes, "my arm was broken, not my legs. And anyway, I'm fine now."

"I don't care what Pomfrey says. You need rest." Sirius shoved the other boys aside and scooped her up, bridal style.

"Sirius! Let me go!" She smacked him hard on the chest and squirmed, kicking and thrashing.

"Drop her, Siri." They had made it out of the hospital wing and into the hall when Regulus stepped from the shadows.

Sirius set Branwen down and she ran back into the comforting arms of the other boys.

"That was stupid, what you did, Sirius. You shouldn't have hit that Bludger away from me," Regulus strolled toward the group.

Sirius' hands clenched into fists. "You think I don't know that? You think I don't know I should have done differently? I let my entire team down and hurt one of my best friends in the world!"

The closer Regulus got, the darker his face grew, anger etched into every pore. "You've never trusted that I could take care of myself. You should have just left that damn Bludger alone. If I'm going to win a match, I'm going to do it without any cheating help from my stupid, blood-traitor brother!"

Sirius lunged forward and his fist flew into his brother's jaw.

"Sirius, no!" James left Branwen with Remus and Peter and grabbed onto Sirius' shoulders, yanking him back. Regulus had already wound up for a counter-attack though, and his blow landed squarely on James' nose. The sound of glass shattering echoed in the hall, followed by James swearing.

"Ooh! A fight! Bitty baby brother Blacks!" Peeves, the school poltergeist came wheeling through one of the walls. He thrived on chaos and wasn't picky about if he was the one causing it or not. He cackled and produced a Bludger from under his hat. "Run, bitty baby brother before the big bad Bludger gets you!"

Regulus yanked his wand out before there was the sound of footsteps.

"Ooh, the bitty baby Blacks are going to get it now!"

"Peeves! I want you out of here this instance!" McGonagall came striding down the hall. She was wrapped in a tartan dressing gown with a matching nightcap over her greying hair.

The poltergeist, who usually thought himself above the orders of the professors, took one look at McGonagall's scowling face and popped off into the darkness.

"I should have known," she sighed when she saw the boys in front of her.

"Regulus started it, Professor," Peter squeaked. "James and Sirius were just defending themselves."

"Is that true?" McGonagall eyed Remus and Branwen over her square-rimmed spectacles.

They shuffled and avoided her stern gaze.

Sirius jumped forward defiantly. "No, Professor, it's not true. I hit Regulus. He was trying to hit me back, but caught James by accident."

"Very well," McGonagall sighed. "That's detention for both of you, Mr. Black and Mr. Black. Twenty points will also be taken from Gryffindor and Slytherin apiece for fighting in the halls. I will overlook the breach of curfew from Gryffindor, as it appears Miss Potter is being escorted from the hospital wing. However, ten additional points will be taken from Slytherin for your unnecessary violation, Mr. Black. Now to bed, all of you."

Regulus spun on his heel and stalked toward the dungeons where the Slytherin dorms were.

"Just a moment – come here, Mr. Potter," McGonagall beckoned to James before they could leave. He crept forward, squinting at the professor with his glasses hanging from one ear. McGonagall picked them up and tapped them with her wand. "Oculus Reparo." The glasses were as good as new and she perched them back on the bridge of his nose. "There. Perhaps now you can see your way back to the dorms without any diversions."

"Thank you, Professor."

The five Gryffindors slowly and silently trudged their way back to their dorms. When they entered the common room, Branwen looked at the entrance to the girls' dorms, then grabbed her brother's hand. "Can I....?"

He nodded and led her up the stairs to his shared room. The stairway was, by now, either so used to Branwen's presence or had come to recognise the sibling bond, that it no longer tried to prevent her from entering.

Once they were in, Branwen set to work. She pulled out her wand and tapped her brother's nose. "Episkey." It snapped back into place with a loud yelp from James. Then she cast "Tergeo" and the blood that had trickled down his lip cleared away.

Next she moved to Sirius. He had yanked the heavy curtains shut around his four-poster bed. She gently lifted the edge of one curtain and tied it back to the post. Even in the shadows of the firelight, she could see his shoulders trembling. She crawled up beside him and pulled her knees to her chest. The other boys hung back, but watched intently.

"It wasn't your fault, Siri," Branwen whispered. "Regulus had no right speaking to you like that, calling you those names. I know you didn't mean it when you hit him."

"But I did mean it," Sirius didn't turn around. "I chose to hit that Bludger. And I chose to hit Regulus. I hurt two of the people I care about the most in the world."

"Aw, am I really one of your favourite people?" Branwen smiled and poked his shoulder.

He spun around, an angry frown on his face. "You don't get it, do you? I'm just like them. Just like all the rest of my family. I act and don't stop to think about who I'm hurting. The Sorting Hat was wrong. I should have been in Slytherin."

"Fine then! Go! Go join Malfoy and Snape and the rest of your kind." Branwen flounced off the bed and gestured toward the door. Sirius stared at her in disbelief. "That's what I thought. You're just being a drama queen." She crossed her arms and smiled. "No real Slytherin would admit their faults the way you just did and no real Black would either. You're a Gryffindor, whether you like it or not. And if I'm your sister like you said, that makes you a Potter too."

"She's right, mate," James grinned. "I'm afraid you're stuck with us."

"Gits," Sirius mumbled and threw a pillow in the general direction of the brother and sister.

"Oh, he's done it now, hasn't he Bon-Bon?"

"Indeed, Jamie. We accept your declaration of war, Sirius Potter! Now arm yourself!"

Sirius spun around. James was holding the pillow he had thrown and Branwen had snatched one from Peter's nearby bed. They both wore malicious grins. Then, as if on cue, they pounced. The pillows came down mercilessly on Sirius, who grunted and tried to hold onto a frown.

Branwen laughed and looked up, seeing Remus and Peter standing awkwardly nearby. She grabbed another pillow from Sirius' bed and ran after the two, swatting Peter as soon as she was within reach. Remus grabbed two more pillows, tossed one to Peter, and joined the fray. By now, James had provoked Sirius into a pillow duel. Chaos broke out, pillows flying and laughter echoing.

As the dawn hours drew near, none of them returned to their beds. In fact, the beds were now stripped of pillows and blankets, all piled on the floor in a makeshift fort in front of the fireplace. All five friends fell asleep, exhausted and, for the moment, happy.

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