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Warning: The following story contains swearing, much of which is censored in the beginning but gets uncensored later on, violence, gore, and dark themes (such as self-harm). Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction and in no way do I condone this sort of behavior in real-life. Stay safe out there.


"(Y/N)!" You were jolted awake by the shrill sound of your younger sister. "Mom told me to wake you up!" You slowly sat up from the warm comfort of your bed as your sister pulled the blankets off of you. Rubbing your tired eyes, you stretched as you got out of bed.

"Alright, alright I'm up. You can go now," you yawned out to your sister. She nodded and quickly ran out of your room to get changed. You reached for your phone and squinted your eyes at the bright screen. "Seventy notifications?!" you gawked at all of the messages that were sent by your friend Mei.

Mei: [y/n]! could i get a ride today?

Mei: my parents are busy

Mei: [y/n]

Mei: [y/n]

Mei: [y/n]

Mei: [y/n]

Mei: please be awake i don't wanna walk today

Mei: [y/n]


You sighed at the constant spam of messages from Mei and quickly responded with a quick "ok" before getting ready for school.





"Mom! Can you give me and Mei a ride to school today?" Your mother's voice was muffled as she responded from downstairs.

"Sorry honey, I need to head to work right away. There's an emergency at the agency. Do you think you can just walk with Mei today?" You sighed before texting Mei the bad news.

You: sorry my mom has stuff to do

You: do you just wanna walk instead

Mei: aw man

Mei: i guess we can just walk

Mei: i'll head over to your place

                                                                                                                                                                                                        You: ok 👍


You heard a knock at your door about ten minutes later and, lo and behold, Mei stood there in all her glory.

"You ready? We're gonna be late." You nodded and put your shoes on before leaving.

"I can't believe it. I wake up five minutes late and both of my parents are out the door before I can even make toast. And my brother left already so he can't give me a ride. Life sucks man."

"I feel ya. Oh, did you study for the math quiz today?" You sighed in exhaustion after you remembered. Math. Blech.

"Thanks for making my day worse." Mei dejectedly looked at the ground and kicked a stray pebble. You chuckled before the conversation fell into a comfortable silence.

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