Family Comes First

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The team had to go on a mission again, and this time everything was on the news

Pepper-"Tony better not make a fool of himself".

Casey-"You know he will". (laughs)

The TV

Reporter-"Here I am with Captain America himself, can you tell us what happend here today?"

Steve-"Well ya see we are going after two people Barrett West and Adrian Toomes also known as Vulture they decided to escape from jail, I guess they think having their men do stuff will stop us from trying to get them again".

Reporter-"Is this the two men that attacked Spiderman and Ironheart?"

Steve-"Yes they are, we will not stop till they get back in jail again".

Reporter-"Speaking of Ironheart where is she?"

Tony-(walks up) "Because of Barrett she went into coma for almost a year, she is awake right now and recovering back at the tower, we hope she gets to one hundred percent soon".

Reporter-"So you're saying that you didn't even allow her to come?"

Steve-"That is correct, you see with us family comes first and well she is family we want her recover right".

Reporter-"Thank you guys and good luck with getting those guys".

They comeback from the mission

MJ-"What did they do this time?"

Luke-"Oh ya know the usual". (puts icepack on arm again)

Peter-"This time though they kept on going after the twins".

Trey-"Looks like our dad wants us hurt".

Colton-"He's not gonna get away with it though". (sits down by Casey)

Casey-"I should be good by next week". (holds his hand)

Pepper-"At least you guys didn't make a fool out of yourselves like usual".

Thor-"Hey now, I was going to but they interviewed Steve". (laughs)

Tony-"I'm surprised I didn't either".

Peter-"Oh no". (runs to bathroom)

Ned-"Is he okay?"

Bucky-"He said he was feeling sick, but he started to feel better".

Casey-"I'll go check on him".

Steve-"You sure".

Casey-"Hey you said family comes first right?". (smiles and goes to check on Peter)

May-"We may have watched the news".

Steve-"I see that". (smiles)

Casey goes to the bathroom

Casey-"Pete you okay?"

Peter-(flushes toliet)"Yeah I'm good just  stomach bug".

Casey-"Come on let's get ya changed and lay down".

She takes him to his room, he changes then comes out and lays on the bed

Peter-"Thanks sis".

Casey-"No problem, do you need anything?"

Peter-"No I'm fine for now".

Tony and some of the others come in

Tony-"How ya doing?"

Peter-"I'm fine I think I just got a stomach bug".

May-"We brought you some water hun".


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