A longer Buddie oneshot

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As the truck arrived on the scene the 118 was met with a giant apartment building fire, almost every window had smoke coming out of it "Ok guys gear up and get ready to go in!" Bobby shouts before going to talk to the person in charge.

After everyone is ready Bobby comes back with his wife Athena by is side "You boys be careful in there" she holds Buck and Eddie's shoulders but gives Buck's an extra squeeze "Ok, let's go!" Bobby shouts and they all run into the building, the entrance is engulfed in flames it's all a blur for Buck after that.

The next thing he knows they're all outside "Cap, there's someone still in there!" Eddie yells pointing to a window on the fourth floor, when Buck looked he could just notice someone's hand "You can't go back in there" Bobby tried to reason but Eddie wasn't having it, he ran past everyone and towards the entrance and then everything slowed down for Buck, he watched as the building exploded engulfing Eddie in flames, Buck's eyes widened with horror as he watched the love of his life burn to death.

"Eddie!" Buck screams as he wakes up in a cold sweat, he checks his surroundings only to find himself still in his apartment "not again" he groans, this is the fifth time he's had that dream, he sighs before getting up "might as well get ready for work" he walk towards the bathroom and starts the shower.

He exits the bathroom dressed in his uniform and drying is his hair "Hey Buck!" A voice shouts causing Buck to jump ten feet in the air "Jesus Christ!" Buck yells in surprise before removing towel over his head to see Christopher and Eddie sitting there smiling at him, he can't help but smile back "what are you doing here?" He asks the two Diaz's "Christopher thought it was a good idea that we three should go out for breakfast before work" Eddie answered and Christopher nodded his head "sounds great, let's go" Buck smiles  then picks up Christopher and starts tickling him as they exit Buck's apartment.

"Then the rabbit puts its paw on her mouth" Christopher laughed as he finished his story "That is funny" Buck chuckled while ruffling the kid's hair "c'mon you two we've gotta drop this little munchkin off before he's late" Eddie giggled as he pinched Christopher's cheek "the munchkin better get moving before the tickle monster arrives" Buck chuckles while wriggling his fingers Christopher screams in joy and quickly hurries to Eddie's car with Buck not far behind, Eddie laughs as he watches his two favourite boys laugh and scream with joy.

After they dropped Christopher off at school Eddie drove him and Buck to the station "thanks for breakfast today" Buck said putting his arm around Eddie's shoulder "anytime" Eddie smiles at Buck before they both walk up the stairs and join the others "where were you two? Ya missed breakfast" Chimney asks pointing his thumb towards the kitchen "Christopher and I took Buck out for breakfast" Eddie replied sitting on the couch next to Buck "That's cute, I bet Christopher had a great time" Hen said as she walked up the stairs "I think he's had so many attacks from the tickle monster he'll be giggling all day" Eddie giggled himself "careful there the tickle monster also goes for adults" Buck warned wiggling his fingers "don't you dare" Eddie chuckles "speaking of Christopher, he's got show and tell tomorrow and wants you to come" Eddie tells Buck who nods "tell him I'd be happy to go" then the alarm rang and they're off to a call.

They arrive at a nice neighbourhood to see a huge crowd at the park "move aside LAFD" Bobby tells everyone and they part to make a path for them, Hen and Chimney notice someone laying on the floor and rush to them "he's been stabbed Cap, but the knife isn't in there anymore" Hen says while treating the patient and looking for the knife "does anyone know where the knife went?" Bobby asked everyone there but before they could reply a man shouted "right here!" And threw the knife towards Eddie.

Either out of adrenaline or pure luck Buck caught the knife before it could impale Eddie's chest, everyone was frozen with shock until the police arrived and the attacker tried to run for it but Bobby tackled him to the ground "are you okay?" Eddie asked Buck who was still frozen in shock and holding the knife "am I okay?! Are you okay?!" Buck yelled before dropping the sharp object and checking to make sure Eddie didn't get a single scratch on him "I'm fine, that was some good catching though" Eddie smiled and patted Buck on the shoulder and soon they were heading back to the station.

Hours had gone by and calls had been answered it was almost the end of the shift when one last alarm rang, the team groaned before getting up and getting ready. On the way there Eddie's phone rings "hey bud" he says into the phone "yeah I know, we have one more job and then Buck and I will be home for movie night" Buck looked at Eddie when he said his name "okay we'll see you soon, I love you too" Eddie then put his phone away "so which movie are we watching tonight?" Buck asked smiling happily "Tangled" they both laughed remembering the last movie night they had with Christopher.

Eventually they arrived on the scene, when Buck exited the truck he was met with an apartment building on fire, Buck dropped his helmet in shock it looks just like the one in his dream "hey, you okay?!" Chimney yelled over all the noise "yeah, I'm fine!" Buck yelled back as he picked up his helmet. "Ok guys gear up and get ready to go in!" Bobby shouts before going to talk to the person in charge. 'This is all just a coincidence, there is no way my dream is coming to life' Buck thought as he checked his surroundings and the building but then Bobby came back with Athena at his side.

"You boys be careful in there" she holds their shoulders giving Buck the extra squeeze, he's kinda starting to freak out but the others will probably tell him he's being silly or paranoid so he doesn't let it show "ok, let's go!" Bobby shouts and then they're all running into the building, like always the entrance is engulfed in flames.

It was all a blur to Buck right now they're all outside when Eddie suddenly shouts "Cap, there's still someone in there!" And suddenly Buck can't hold in the panic anymore his stomach plummets to the ground and his breathe shallows, he doesn't need to look to know that someone is waving at the window "you can't go back in there!" Bobby tried to reason, Eddie tried to run past but Buck was ready this time, he managed to grab onto the oxygen tank but Eddie undid the straps and continued on "Eddie stop!" Buck screamed panic is heard in his voice as he drops the tank and bolts after Eddie. Buck tackled him to the ground, shielding Eddie with his own body just as the building exploded.

Buck woke up to someone calling his name and shaking him, his body felt like he was ran over by the fire truck, he groaned before opening his eyes to see Chimney and Hen kneeling over him "Eddie" Buck croaked out trying to sit up but Hen gently pushed him back down "he's fine, Bobby is talking to him just over there" she pointed off to Buck's right "Mkay" Buck mumbled tiredly "hey, hey, hey, don't go to sleep on us" Chimney shook him a little "I'm trying not to" Buck mumbled blinking rapidly every now and then "nothings broken, just a few cuts and bruises, how are you feeling, Buck?" Hen asks helping Buck sit up "like I got ran over by the fire truck" Hen and Chimney chuckle before they helped Buck stand up.

"Buck!" Eddie yelled as he ran over and hugged Buck tightly it hurt like hell but Buck didn't care as long as Eddie was alive, Buck gripped him back just as tight as tears sprang to Buck's eyes "shh, it's okay, I'm okay, we're okay" Eddie whispered into Buck's ear while rubbing his back "you died" Buck whined gripping tighter, the others looked at him confused "Eddie is alive Buck" Hen said confused while pointing to the said man, Buck shook his head "in my dream, he died every time"

Hot tears leaked from Buck's eyes "you had dreams like this?" Eddie asked confused as he wiped Buck's tears, Buck shook his head again "everything is the same, the blazing entrance, you seeing someone waving in the window and then disobeying Bobby, I've watched you be burned alive five times" Buck hiccups throughout his explanation "well this time you saved me" Eddie says softly then kisses Buck's forehead "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" Buck chuckles before pulling Eddie in for a kiss "thank you" he whispers after.

The next day at Christopher's school it was show and tell "okay Christopher, it's your turn" the teacher says, Christopher grabs Buck's hand and walks to the front of the room "this is my Buck" said man was looking at Eddie in shock 'I'M HIS SHOW AND TELL!' Buck thinks to himself before zoning back into Christopher's speech "he has saved me from a tsunami with a bad leg, he always lets me win at video games, he makes my dad happy and just last night he saved my dad from an explosion, this is my Buck and my other dad" Christopher finishes with a big smile, Buck was about to cry "alright that's it, you're being too cute" Buck giggled before grabbing Christopher and tickling him "the tickle monster returns!" Eddie laughs as he watches his two favourite boys laugh and scream in joy.

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