Little cuite-Tony Toretto pt1 of series

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Today is the day the team would be getting there test results to see if they are a little, caregiver or babysitter and Tony was super nervous cause he's known he's a little since he turned twelve and Dom used to be his caregiver but when Tony turned sixteen he refused to go into little head space since he didn't want to be bullied anymore.

"Okay kids I have your results" Miss Nowhere announced handing them each a envelope, Layla was the first to open hers "yes, I got caregiver" followed by Echo
"Same" then Frostee who got babysitter and Cisco who also got caregiver.

"Tony what did you get?" Frostee asked excited to know making the whole team wanting to know but lucky for Tony he was saved by Miss Nowhere.

"Tony's results are classified" she announced
"What?" Layla asked crossing her arms
"Tony's result are classified until they seem necessary to share so for now you three caregivers are going to go with Garry and start training, Frostee you will go with Jeff who will show you how to be a babysitter and Tony you are coming with me" Miss Nowhere ordered grabbing Tony's wrist and dragging him into a room with no windows and by the looks of it soundproof.

"Why are we here?" Tony asked looking around the room
"It has come to my attention that you are a little and haven't gone into head space for a long time" she seemed to glare at him
"Dom told you didn't he?" He questioned her walking over to a chair and sitting on it
"Where I got my information is none of your concern but what is, is how your going to get into headspace and who your new caregiver is gonna be" Tony went to say something but was cutoff by the door opening "this is Lenny he will be giving it a shot while I check on the others" Miss Nowhere then left leaving Tony alone with Lenny.

"So got any names you like being called?" Lenny asked sitting in front of Tony who looked Lenny up and down
"Tony" he answered crossing his arms
"I meant names you like being called to get you into headspace" Tony glared at Lanny making him squirm a little
"Tony" Lenny nodded quickly
"Okay Tony it Tony would you like a drink?".

"You guys are doing pretty-" Miss Nowhere was cut off by the room door opening and Lenny screaming as a sippy cup was thrown at him just missing his head Lenny got at least two feet away before Tony came running out holding a chair and chasing after Lenny
"I'll show you who needs a sippy cup!" Tony yelled throwing the chair but it was stopped by Garry who caught the chair and then Tony as he tried to pounce on Lenny "let me at him" Tony wiggled and pulled trying to get free as Garry walked him back into the room with Miss Nowhere following leaving the other teenagers confused.

"What the hell was that Toretto?!" Miss Nowhere yelled as Gary sat Tony in the time out chair in the corner
"I am not drinking apple juice out of a stupid sippy cup!" He yelled back crossing his arms and glaring at the wall
"Fine then you will sit there for five minutes and think about what you did and then Jake will come in and you better behave!" Miss Nowhere demanded before her and Garry left slamming the door behind her.

Tony rolled his eyes before getting off the chair and laid down on the play mat with his arms under his head. When Jake entered Tony was sitting on the floor crossed legged and playing with the legos that he found in the toy box with a cup of apple juice beside him "Hey buddie whatcha building?" Jake asked sitting next to Tony
"It's Tony and I'm building a car" he was too focused on the lego he didn't notice how close Jake sat until Jake started rubbing circles on his back "what are you doing?" Tony asked turning his head to glare at Jake
"Well Lenny told me you had a tantrum when he tried to give you a drink so I thought you might need a nap" Jake explained continuing to rub Tony's back.

"Remove your hand or I'll break it" Tony growled, Jake was scared but he wasn't going to back down
"Listen here young man you either lay down for a nap or your going on the naughty chair" Jake smirked a little proud of himself.

"Ok next we are-" Miss Nowhere was once again cut off by the mysterious door slamming open and Jake flying out holding his arm
"That kid is the Devil's son!" He yelled before running away praying before Tony walked out scowling
"Hey Tony" Cisco waved but Tony just ignored him and kept walking
"Toretto where do you think you're going?" Miss Nowhere asked grabbing his wrist Tony yanked his wrist out of Miss Nowhere's grip
"I'm going to the bathroom and then I'm going home" Tony explained before turning around and marching toward the bathrooms Miss Nowhere looked like she was about to beat the kid senseless but Garry grabbed her arm and shook his head causing Miss Nowhere to sigh.

After Tony was done in the bathroom he walked out to see everyone sitting on the couches watching TV "Hey kiddo" Tony turned to see Dom sitting on an armchair
"Hey Dom" Tony waved smiling lazily making Dom chuckle
"You tired bud?" He asked opening his arms for Tony who waddled over and sank into Dom's arms, Dom began running his hand through Tony's hair calming the boy from left over anger he had from the day and soon enough Tony was asleep in Dom's arms
"How? Why?" Garry asked causing Dom to smirk.

"Let me guess he was angry at the agents you chose?" Miss Nowhere nodded
"Scared them all away" she rolled her eyes as Dom laughed
"He was in headspace the whole time" Miss Nowhere and Garry opened their mouth in shock "you see when he's in little space he doesn't trust anyone but family so he acts big" Dom explained sighing as he watched the boy stir a little.

"Would you be able to tell us about little Tony?" Layla asked she kinda guessed he was a little when Miss Nowhere took him into the room
"Yeah I wanna help little Tony" Cisco joined in
"Ok first how to tell if Tony is in little space is when he slowly gets clingy but he tries to make it look subtle for example it could be standing or sitting closer than usual, hugs before or after a mission and holding on longer than normal or sometimes he'll lean on you. He drinks apple juice more than any beverage, and he usually sits on the floor more than he does on a couch or chair. There are also rules which are. No sippy cups, no touching unless given permission, sandwiches must be cut into tiny triangles other wise he won't eat it, no yelling at him or near him and his nap has to be at twelve o'clock. As for age he's usually around five years old, is there anything else?" Dom asks the teenage caregivers.

"Is he allergic to anything?" Echo asks grabbing a notepad
"He's allergic to bees and strawberries his epipen is in his backpack all you have to do his stick it in his leg if it doesn't work then straight to the nearest hospital" Echo nodded after writing everything down
"Any medication?" Layla asks Dom thinks for a minute
"He usually takes liquid antihistamine during spring, he does have ADHD but he doesn't take meds for it so you'll have to be patient with him" the teens nodded
"I think that's all we need to know, if we have any more questions will let you know" Layla said laying down on her couch and soon everyone was asleep.

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