His Childhood-Tony Toretto

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Trigger warnings: child abuse, panic attack and mentions of sexual abuse

Layla has been acting weird all day she's been asking Tony a lot of personal questions
"So what's life at home like?" She asked as Tony rolled out from under his car
"Um pretty good, Dom and Brian always make sure I'm fed and game nights are fun" Tony shrugged while wiping the oil off his hands.

"Wait so you live with Dom and Brian?" She asked another question, Tony was starting to get annoyed
"Yes Layla why is there something wrong with that?" He asked throwing the rag onto a table harshly which got Cisco's and Echo's attention.

"Nothings wrong with it, it's just, why do you live with Dom and not your parents?" Suddenly Echo interrupted
"Who cares about why he lives with Dom, it's not like you live with your parents" Cisco tried to calm Echo down before they started a fight.

"I'm just curious, his parents are alive as far as I know but he doesn't live with them" Tony slammed his car hood shut making everyone but himself and Echo jump in shock
"Look Layla it's none of your businesses why I live with Dom and it will never be your business so buzz off will ya!" Tony yelled at Layla before storming off towards his at base bedroom.

"Nice one Layla" Cisco sassed as he also walked off
"Oh c'mon I can't be the only curious one" Layla tried to reason
"Of course we're curious but we know that when Tony doesn't want to talk about something to just drop it!" Echo glared at Layla before following Cisco.

*In Tony's Room*

Tony's room was almost fully dark the only source of light was his phone screen his breath coming out ragged and quick and soon enough his panic had taken over 'what if Dom hates me?' 'What if he kicks me out?' 'He only took me in cause of pity, he doesn't love me' more and more dark thoughts began to fill Tony's head when suddenly he was pulled into a flashback

[Tony is 12 during this]

Tony was a nervous wreck, today was finally the day that Tony was gonna come out to his parents, he practised one last time in the mirror before walking downstairs for breakfast "Mom, dad, I have something to tell you" Tony fidgeted with his fingers as he spoke not looking them in the eyes.

"Well it can't be worse than you crashing my new car"  his dad reminded him.

"I already apologised for that" Tony whined this is the tenth thousand time his dad has brought it up.

"Yeah well apologies don't pay the bills I have to pay for them to fix it" his dad scolded his eyes on the newspaper during the whole conversation.

"Oh hush dear I wanna hear what Anthony was gonna tell us" Tony's mom playfully smacked her husband who rolled his eyes.

"Very well get on with it Anthony" now Tony was nervous again.

"Well you see I've been thinking about this for a while and yesterday when I was hanging out with my friends I came to the conclusion that I am Bisexual" all the air in Tony's lungs evaporated as he looked up to see the disgusted looks on his parents faces.

"Oh my god my baby has been ruined" his mom cries holding her hand over her mouth.

"What? I'm not ruined Mum I'm-".

"Disgusting" his dad cut him off Tony's eyes filled with tears as he walked towards his parents.

"Guys I'm still me, I'm still your son" Tony tried to explain only to receive his dad's hand across his face, Tony looked at his dad in shock before running up to his room where he pretty much stayed for the rest of the day.

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