Jaemin hummed curiously and Chenle looked back at him. The taller boy looked at him expectantly. Chenle felt shy with Jeno present. He didn't know if he should even say what he was going to say, but Jaemin grabbed Chenle's wrist, pulling him inside and closing the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Jaemin asked, with concern. "Oh, wait, do you want him to leave?" Jaemin whispered, not so quietly.

"No, it's fine." Chenle murmured, knowing Jeno had already heard Jaemin.

Chenle walked over to Jaemin's bed and sat down. "Okay, please don't judge me or make fun of me." Chenle sighed.

"We won't." Jaemin said sternly. "Right?" He gave Jeno an expectant look.

"Right." Jeno smiled at the youngest.

"So, I've never...had my first kiss." Chenle said, feeling his ears burn up.

"Chenle, I kind of knew this." Jaemin smiled sweetly. "There's nothing wrong with it. Why are you bringing it up now? Did you want to kiss someone?"

"No! Wait, I guess, I'm just nervous because...I'm getting married tomorrow. There's that one part in every wedding where the newly wed kiss and..." Chenle trailed off.

"And you're nervous to kiss Jisung?" Jeno finished off.

"Well, yeah." Chenle smiled shyly.

"I think you should tell Jisung." Jaemin suggested.

"I'm scared to." Chenle chuckled awkwardly.

"He's probably freaking out too." Jeno laughed. "He's kissed before when he was younger, but he was really young."

"See, you're not alone. He'll be thankful you brought it up." Jaemin patted Chenle's shoulder.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to kiss. If he doesn't either, then how will that work?" Chenle sighed.

"It just does. Just go with the flow and you'll figure it out. It's like a human nature thing. You don't need to think too much." Jeno said.

"Yeah, it comes naturally." Jaemin glanced at Jeno. "One second you're just hanging out, and the next, you're making out."

"Huh?" Chenle frowned and just knew his face was as red as a cherry.

"Oh, yeah, it's way more natural than you think." Jeno smirked and stood up from the couch. Now, the two of them were standing up in front of him while he was still sat on the bed.

"Um...okay." Chenle mumbled, confused, and slightly uncomfortable.

Jaemin put a hand on Jeno's shoulder and started laughing at Chenle's flustered look. They both gave each other a look.

"Okay so, you put your arms around Jisung's neck, like this," Jaemin put his arms around Jeno's neck to demonstrate. "or put your hands where you feel comfortable, you can put them on his shoulders, or in his hair, or waist, or wherever you want. There's a lot of other places I can't really mention." Jaemin grinned mischievously.

"He'll probably put his hands on your waist or hips." Jeno said, putting one hand on Jaemin's waist to pull him closer and the other cupped his cheek. "It could also be anywhere though, but it does matter that you're comfortable. If you don't touch, it's awkward, but you can even just hold hands if you'd like to keep it more simple."

So, This is Love💫 (Chenji AU) Where stories live. Discover now