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Alex POV
I'm having a pillow fight with my boyfriend John, the only problem is he's very competitive. I have PTSD.


Flashback (Abuse Warning)
I got home from work and again Frances is drunk. He looks at me outraged. "You ass!" He yells at me and smashes a beer bottle on my head. I scream but that makes it worse.

"Basement. Now." Frances says firmly. I shake my head and quickly put my arms up over my head. "YOU ARE SO DEAD!" He shouts loudly. He brings his whips and knives up from the basement and starts whipping and cutting me.

I come home from work the next day and he's happy and not drunk. He waltzed up to me smiling. "Hey bab-." He said as I cut him off "Don't call me that." I said firmly. "What?" He says shocked as if nothing had ever happened. "Don't call me that. We're done. Keep my stuff." I say firmly. "Where will you go?" He asked with an evil grin. "To John's place." I spat tears in my eyes. "And what will you tell him?" He asked, he knew I didn't reach out to people. "Nothing. He doesn't need to know." I hissed. "That's my boy..." and I slammed the door in his face

End of flashback

I flinch hard and I crawl back. Tears spring to my eyes and I have a small panic attack. "Baby? Are you ok?" He said. "Y-yeah I'm fine.." I lied, that's the one thing I'm worst at. "He hurt you didn't he?" John said. I had recently gotten out of an abusive relationship and I didn't tell John. Johns wits is the problem.

I pursed my lips and with unleashed tears and shook my head. "Alexander, please baby, did he hurt you?" I finally gave in and took my shirt off. John gasped as he traced scars and bruises as I hissed. "You know I'd never hurt you?" He said holding my hands. I pursed my lips and looked at my knees. John grasps my chin with his thumb and his index finger. He lifts my face up to look at my tear-stained cheeks.

"Alex I love you, so much, When I say, 'I love you,' it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a person." (Quote by Joss Whedon) It was my favourite quote. No ones ever said it to me though...

"Really?" I asked my answer was on my lips. He had kissed me. It was our first kiss and I'm glad I experienced it. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I really love you, Alexander Hamilton..." he says to me. Those words mean so much.

"Well, I-I love you too, John Laurens." I say and kiss him again. When we finish we lay down and cuddle. I lay on his shoulder as he rubs circles on my back. We hold hands and I love it. Love is scary at first but you end up getting used to it and when you do it's beautiful.

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