Isla Vector': Part 1

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( Gamma POV )

As Flame, Smash, Fisk, Pilot Stealth and I squeezed through the lush palm trees, Fisk warned, watch it, runts. There are a lot of hybrids here - ROAR! As I tried not to scream, a Yudon emerged from the shadows. Like that one. Fisk started intimidating it. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING, FOOL? I screamed. Fisk took a short glance. TRUST ME. Then, suddenly, he started pinching the Yudon's skin. And he bit it's head and kept his jaw on the head. Then he descended all his weight to it. SMASH! The Yudon was dead. YOO - HOO!

( Smash POV )

As we started moving again, a high pitched cackle echoed through the isle. What was that? Asked Gamma. Those are kookaburras, I answered. Oh. As we started moving again, we noticed it was twilight. So we set up camp. Yummy, I said, munching on a pile of bamboo grass. Meat? Pilot Stealth asked. No thanks, said everybody expect Flame. As we continued, a roar was heard from the bushes. A green - eyed black Spinoraptor had walked out of nowhere.

( Spinoraptor POV )

As I approached the victims, they started fleeing away. I decided to chase the Gallimimus with a name tag down his neck labeled: PILOT STEALTH. As I chased Pilot Stealth, the other victims ran and blocked me. The Carno suddenly started doing something effective and weird. Soon, I was dead. GREAT.

( Spiny POV )

Rexy is sick. All he does now is sleep. As I laid down on the cold floor, a shiver went through my body. I was worried. REALLY WORRIED. I slowly began to-STOMP! Great. HIDE AND SEEK. I walked outside and saw something you wouldn't believe. Rexy was scarred. BADLY. As I lifted him up, Hide and Seek stopped me. Then he scarred my face too.

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