Isla Vector': Part 2

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( Nobody POV )

A waterfall. It usually brings Smash the Ankylosaurus joy, but not today. Well, for Flame. His spiritual element is fire, but it's weakness is water. As all the joke hunt volunteers gathered in a small pool with the waterfall's water pouring inside, Flame spoke up, Um... I'll just go rest... Um... since I'm really... TIRED? Sure, bub, said Gamma. But hurry up. Pilot Stealth says so. Sure. As Flame stormed away, he skid to a stop and saw a sign of danger...

( Pilot Stealth POV )

It wasn't long before Flame told everyone about the sign. So we're in uncharted Indoraptor territories-CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK. Pause. A large Raptor with the head of a T - Rex, a sleek jet black body and a golden stripe meandered past us and noticed. ROAR! As it loomed over us, we started fleeing. INDORAPTOR! I screeched. Suddenly, the Indoraptor chomped on me and stood tall.


As I crawled out of the dead Indoraptor's body, I noticed it's breaths of agony. Poor Indo, I said. As the others pulled me to the ground, I asked, how did you kill it? I asked. Well, when Flame noticed it had a lot in common with him, he got a plan. Since they had a lot in common, they could be perfect friends. FAKE TO BE PERFECT FRIENDS. And one night, while having a sleepover, Flame killed it.

( Rexy POV )

My eyes shot open. I was outside and Spiny was scarred on the snout. I was scarred on the cheek. I looked around and I saw Hide and Seek. ARGH! I tried to get up and hurt him but no success. Suddenly, a familiar arch-nemesis stepped out of the shadows. Operation Revenge is a go, General Indy, Hide and Seek said. INDY! I said weakly. Indy looked at me and smirked.

REXY - ALL ADVENTURES BUNDLE - SPECIAL EDITIONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora