Chapter 02 || A Plea For Help

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Previously on: Cordolium by Aki-Newt

Severus I-' she began to speak but Dumbledore cut her off.

'Stop bickering, and come on let's meet baby Harry.'

The two professors looked at him quizzically, 'Baby Harry?' McGonagall repeated, as they followed the professor into the Hospital Wing. 'Poppy, how is he?' Dumbledore asked her, Poppy gave a small smile.

'He is fine now, he's simply had a concussion after butting heads with the mirror.' Poppy explained, the old headmaster nodded in acknowledgement and walked to the bottom of his cot. Severus followed, his jade cloak billowing behind him; like a puff of smoke they were gone.

Minerva shook her head at the male's careless and walked over to the matron, 'Poppy, is his concussion anything serious?' The concerned Gryffindor Head enquired, worried for the boy who had already gone through so many ordeals in such a short period of time. The stern matron's face softened upon hearing her words, at least there was one person who cared for him in this cruel and judgemental.

'He was hit pretty hard, Minnie,' Madam Pomfery spoke, McGonagall frowned. 'does he have.....' amnesia?
Pomfery gave her an unsure look, 'I can't say definitively, Minnie but what what I can say is that he is severely underweight and he had some bruises and they are not affiliated with Quidditch."

'Poppy must be joking, surely?!' Minerva hissed, clenching her fists; the matron shook her head as Minerva was about to spew out the most unforgivable, ghastly, curse words known to wizard and muggle kind when she was interrupted Albus Dumbledore. 'Minerva?' he called, 'aren't you going to see little Harry?' Minerva exhaled; regaining her composure smoothing her velvet robes walking to the pair.

'Yes, gentleman?' Minerva said, walking up to the 2-year-old. 'Albus and I, were discussing what curious phenomenon occurred for Mister Potter to end up like this.' Severus said his arms crossed. Albus stroked his long wispy beard, 'I believe it's a combination of Lily's protection and a vulnerability charm,' he mused.
'Is there any way of reversing it?' Snape interjected, the old wizard shook his head sadly. The duo stayed silent, whilst the bubbling rage and detest for the Dursley's grew, and grew until she burst.

'Well we can't give him back to the Dursley's!' she yelled, the two looked at her in awe. She was shaking like a leaf, yet her anger was as hot as lava. But before either of the adults could comprehend what in Merlin's name was wrong with her, a cry broke them out of their reverie.

Hope you enjoyed reading Cordolium!
See you all in the next chapter. Also who do you think will take Harry in? Snape? McGonagall? The Weasleys? Dumbledore?

QOTD: Who's your favourite Hogwarts Professor?

Mines McGonagall, Snape, Hagrid and Lupin.

Stay safe! Take care!💕
- Aki-Newt 💛

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