Chapter 4 - The Book

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Keigo woke up with the sun on his face, as he looked at the other side of the bed he noticed that (Y/n) wasn't on the bed anymore.

He sat up, now with the daylight coming in through the windows he could see how comfortable the small house really was, even if it wasn't so clean.

(this one was the closest from what I was imagining)

When he was about to get up the front door opened, and he smiled brightly when he saw his caretaker, but also his nee-san

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When he was about to get up the front door opened, and he smiled brightly when he saw his caretaker, but also his nee-san.

She looked at him and smiled back while coming closer. "Good morning baby bird, would you like some breakfast?"

Keigo eagerly nodded and raised his hands for her to pic him up.

She chuckled at his child action, since he was so serious when they arrived.

(Y/n) was happy that he was warming up to her so fast.

'He must have been starved for affection' she picked him up and went out of her small house. "Since you are okay with everything, but malnutrition, you can start your classes today, we will begin with the basics, how old are you baby bird? "

Keigo blushed at the new nickname "I am 5 years old" 

"Do you know how to write or how to read?" (Y/n) set him down on the balcony, so she could cook without a problem.

"I kinda know how to read, but I don't know how to write"

"No can do baby bird! You need to be smart to be a hero, but don't worry, we have a long way to go"

He nodded and watches as she makes some pancakes and some waffles.

"Your mother went out to buy clothing, so it will be just the two of us" 

Keigo nodded again.

"Since you have eaten so little food I decided that you now have to discover what you wanna eat, okay?"


Y/n puts two plates in front of him. "This here are pancakes, they are really soft and fluffy" she points at the plate with pancakes "and those are waffles! Crispy and soft inside, both go well with jam, honey and fruits, you can pick one of them, and we go eat at the dinner table"

Keigo nods and thinks hard about which one he wants "c-can I have both?" He looked at her hopeful

"Of course! But that's too much food for you, would you be okay with sharing with me?" She takes the two plates and put them on the table.

"Yeah! No problem" He got on the chair in front of the plate and watched her putting half of the waffle with half of the pancakes.

"Tell me which one do you prefer, okay?" Y/n sat beside him and ate her food.

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