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My heart hurts so much like it was hit by a train. I already drank my medicine but this feeling still churns inside me. I'm facing my laptop and typing like a madman cause I need to finish this essay for tomorrow's submission to Mr. Gosling. He texted me and even posted something in facebook yesterday about making a 1500 words essay about yourself and it's still basically summer so it was a big bummer to say.

"I'm halfway through. I can do this." I told myself.

Then my laptop went black. I groaned, exasperated.

"What the heck! What's wrong with you?" I checked the charger and it was plugged, the bottom and it was clean, the sides and their's nothing wrong. What the heck happened!?

I swiveled to the right and had an idea to jump off of it to my bed but I was shell-shocked when I got to feel a lean stomach against my face.

"Athena. Sorry I hit you." A masculine and rather raspy deep voice said. I placed both my hands in his abdomen, not minding the odd tingling sensation, and pushed myself away from him.

I stood up.

"Who are you?"I asked, nervous.

"I'm Cupid. The God Of Erotic Love."

"Haha.Funny."I replied. Cupid? What the heck! Maybe he's some kind of a burglar or what and how the fuck did he enter. The door's close, windows too so how did he enter. Should I shout now to ask for help?

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said, putting me out of my reverie.

"What!? Just get everything you want!! Just get out of here!!" I yelled. I got hold of a book and throwed it at him. I ran outside.

I ran to my brother's room. I knocked as hard as I can then knowing it's open, I opened it. What greet me is the stench inhabiting my brother's room. He's not their so I ran downstairs.

Please Lord I don't want to die in the hand of a crazy guy telling me that his Cupid. I have a lot of dreams yet to be dreamed and done. I don't want those to be shattered by a psychotic guy telling me he's a God.

I stopped at my tracks when I saw the same guy in my room earlier at the bottom of the stairs. I stared at him incredulously. I'm scared. How did he? Is that his twin? Or my eye is just playing with me? Or better yet, this is just a dream waiting for me to open my eyes to end. He started gaining towards me.

5, 4, 3 steps left. He stopped. Three small stair steps far from each other. I took a step back and run but he's already their at the top of the stairs. I looked down, the guy their earlier is not their anymore.

"This is just a dream waiting for me to open my eyes to end. Just a dream..." I mumbled to myself.

"No honey. This isn't a dream. This is reality already. You can't fight off the threads of the fates." He said in a very mysterious kind of voice that I find sexy.

"What are you talking about? Just shut up! You are just proving to me, more and more, that you are a psycho!"

He's now infront of me. My heart beats rapidly. I don't know if its because of fear or the proximity or maybe, if I'm too unfortanate, both.

"You'll eat your words. Someday you'll fall in love with me, a psycho you may say."

He got hold of my hand and then he twirled me, slowly. I didn't stop it. Now my back is already against his front, swaying. He twirled me again while saying this words:

"Athena. I'm sorry. I sealed our fates with my stupidity."

The twirling ended and he was nowhere to be found. I looked around but no traces of him. I let out a breathe which I just realized that I was holding.

What am I thinking, dancing with a psychotic guy, who maybe have a supernatural powers that calls himself Cupid, in the middle of the night on the middle of the stairs. Is this even reality taking its course or is it already the power of my brain and the trickery of my eyes taking place? I don't even know if I still live in the world called Earth that has a thing called Reality or maybe I'm already living inside books. Athena. What have you done?

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