"Watch him," Twitchy tells Red before crouching next to Devyn. Her eyes stray to his gun that he sets on the other side of him but she looks away quickly and hands him the light.

"Hold it steady, here," She positions his hand where she needs it before grabbing her tweezers again. She uses her free hands to pull the wound open as much as she cut and wipes away the blood before trying to get the bullet out. She's not supposed to do stuff like this, she hasn't even been on the job that long.

The man below her groans in pain and bites down on his belt. Devyn is surprised when she finds herself feeling sorry for him. For all she knows, he's a nice guy. His friends are the bad ones. Though she's sure he has to be a criminal or something because why else wouldn't he be demanding a hospital? Still, doesn't mean he can't be nice.

Devyn has to physically shake those thoughts away. Her eyebrows furrow at her off train of thought before she digs deeper into the man's leg, eliciting a slightly muffles scream before it stops abruptly and he goes limp.

"What's that? What happened?" Twitchy demands, the light moving when he grabs his gun again, pointing it at Devyn.

"He passed out," She quickly tells him. "Guess he can't take pain as well as you thought he could." She grumbles, leaving out the whole blood loss thing. This guy doesn't need to know that if his friend doesn't get a blood transfusion, he probably won't make it.

Finally, metal hits metal, and Devyn grasps the bullet best she can. She loses it once before finally pulling it from the man's leg. She discards it on the ground before grabbing the packing material from her bag. She stuffs the wound and then some before grabbing the gauze. "Help me lift his leg." She tells Twitchy and the man does, surprisingly without comment.

"Doesn't it need stitches or something?" Wait, there's that comment.

"We're not permitted to do those, I don't have the supplies, this will do." Devyn says, a feeling akin to relief washing over her only to be snatched away when her patient's heaving chest starts to slow.

Her eyebrows become straighten out and she places her hand over his heart. "Okay," She whispers to herself and pulls her stethoscope off from around her neck. She places the ears pieces in before places the other side on the man's chest.

"What's happening?"

"Shh," Devyn shushes Twitchy but she flinches when he jumps to his feet. "There's nothing else I can do!" She tells him before he can speak. "Threatening us isn't going to change the fact that he needs a hospital!"

"Let me try," All eyes turn to Richard and the older man nods towards the guy on the ground. "I've been on the job longer, I know more."

Twitchy looks between the two of them before nodding. "Get up," He grabs Devyn's arm and pulls her to her feet while motioning for Red to move Richard to take her place. Devyn's hand moves to cover her stomach on instinct. "One wrong move and I shoot your girl here."

Richard bites his tongue and forces his lips together. He's smart enough to know saying anything will on make the situation worse with these people. But someones pointing a gun at his dau-partner. His pregnant partner, at that.

He knows what he'll find when he listens to the man's heart. He's known it since he saw all the blood on the ground, since he saw his breathing slow. Richard debates for a moment and glances with just his eyes at Devyn. The man watching her has moved his gun, his arm going slack, pointing the barrel towards the ground.

Connecting his hands, Richard places them over the, not unconscious but dead man's heart and starts compressions. "I thought she fixed him?" Red yells, fear evident in his voice.

"She got the bullet out, he lost too much blood before we even got here." Richard informs the man but continues to press on the patient's chest. It's no good, he's not overly concerned with actually saving the guy. Devyn's is where his thoughts are.

"I told you what would happen if you let him die!" Twitchy raises his gun and points it at Devyn again and Richard is on his feet before anyone can blink.

The next few seconds happen in a blur, moving too fast to really make sense. There's a struggle, someone shouts, and a lone gunshot echoes through the building.


1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Another cliff hanger!? I'd say I'm sorry but I try my best not to lie.
2. Again, I'm not a doctor, my medical knowledge is limited by the medical shows I've seen.
3. Also, don't hunt me down. Next chapter will be up tomorrow!
4. Richard being protective never get's old.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know your thoughts and reactions!



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