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The mellow sunshine glared down through the window of the bedroom, though Nerissa could not tell if it was real or just another invention of the Capitol's. If she was being completely honest with herself, the difficulty of separating reality from factuality was beginning to have its wear and toll on her fragile mind. 

Yet, fragile was not the sort of mindset she intended to keep today. The most vast Capitol party of the year. The largest party, especially in her honor and in celebration of her bittersweet victory. She simply stared out of the questionable scenery which seemed to reside right outside her window, devoid of any emotion. Devoid of any sort of feeling, apart from resent. Resent and anger towards the man who controls her every day. Her every whereabout. 

Oh, a life of luxury they say? Well, to Rissa, this new seemingly luxurious life of hers was anything but a misery and a constant reminder of all the blood which permanently stains her small hands. 

If she could, she would lie on the cloud-like mattress all day. Alone with her thoughts. However, the party will start in just a few hours and Finnick will be travelling to the Capitol, along with many other past Victors, with invites to the celebration.


Unexpectedly, my door swings open, hitting the wall loudly. 

"So you are awake, why are you not up yet?" Blushina scolds me, her hands on her hips.

Yes, I have been awake all not, as a matter of fact. I also presumed that I would not have much to attend to today, seeing as the party starts at sunset.

"Is there so many things to do that I cannot lie in bed for a little while more?" 

"Yes, actually. First off, we've got an interview to attend to, then there's Pear Shimmer's tea party you were ever so lucky to receive invite to. Finally, you're also needed to model some new gowns for the world-renowned couture brand."

"So yes, Nerissa, there is many, many, many things to do. For good reason, I suggest you get up and be ready within the next twenty minutes, please!"

And with the afterthought of please, she turns away and shuts the door behind her. 

I guess she has a fair reason to be annoyed with me, but she has never had to live with the aftermath of murder. 


The next few hours of the day go by in a blur. Soon enough, first the prep team's arrival and then put through the torture of being waxed and polished she's raw, then pampered until she looks like a princess. After all, Nerissa Alvaro has not earned the reputation as the Princess of the Capitol for nothing.

Soon, she's whisked out of her room, and into a black limousine, thankful for the tinted windows. Mags sat to her left, admiring the beauty of the Capitol at night, with Blushina directly opposite her, too engrossed with whatever email she was responding to on her tablet. Not that Nerissa would be complaining, as conversation was something she has started to despise, meaning that her anticipation expected for the party was replaced with dread. 

Playing with the hem of her dress, she realised that they had arrived at Snow's large manor sooner than she had expected them to, large being a big understatement. It was the most substantial building Rissa had ever seen, and probably the greatest in all of Panem, she thought. 

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