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WARNING: a LOT of fluff


I'm lying in a Capitol hospital bed, when he stands in the doorway. His lips are dry, the white of his eyes covered with red cracks, the skin under his eyes almost black. His face is pale and tired. His hair unruly and slightly greasy. 

He wears a white t-shirt, and some grey joggers, signifying that he hadn't bothered to change after waking in the morning.

I stare at him with empty eyes. Frowning. His name sounds strange in my mouth. 

After days of calling for him, even on the brink of death. He never came. Now, he seems fictional. A figment of my imagination 

"Finnick," she said, testing it out.

I recognize the name from somewhere, though I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Rissa," he sobbs.

Now I realise, he is from before the games, before the madness. That was why I'm so hazy. Everything from before the games cloudy in my brain.

"Rissa, I thought I had lost you," he cried over and over.

Finnick intrigues me, so I push further and further into her thoughts, trying harder to remember.

Suddenly, Finnick throws his arms desperately around my tiny waist. I scowl. Being touched in a way other than violent now foreign to me. I can't trust anyone. There used to be someone, but I've forgotten.

"Mr. Odair, I think you should leave now. Ms. Alvaro is not quite all....there." said one of the peacekeepers surrounding them.

I protest, signaling that she I'm content with Finnick being here, and the peacekeeper doesn't say anything else. Then I return to pushing through the memories in search of Finnick Odair. All the memories are foggy, and it's difficult to say exactly who he was, but there is something that I recognize about him.

"Your eyes..." I whisper.

Hearing this, Finnick lifts his head, meeting my gaze. Tears were brimming over his eyes, the ones that I remember. They are wide, beautiful, and they are the perfect sea green color. There's something about them....I can't quite distinguish what it is, but it reminds me of happiness. Suddenly, memories of walking on the beach, swimming, and happiness flood my mind.


Finnick reminds me of sunshine.

I decide I can trust this, so I give in. She let myself mold into Finnick's warm, muscled chest. I wrap my arms around his torso and whisper, "I'm home, Finnick."

"Rissa." He barely whispers carefully. It's as if he can't believe what he's seeing. He can't believe that I'm in front of him, alive. 

"Fin." I reply, with a small smile. Looking up at him. 

"Rissa. My Rissa. You're here. You're here Rissa. Rissa you did it." He speaks, his lips brushing aganist my neck as he does.

"No, we did it, Fin. If it wasn't for you, I'd be being sent home in a box right now."

"I love you, Finnick. Like, a lot" I finally reply. He looks at me with a look I can't quite recognize. 

"I love you so fucking much, Rissa. Rissa I know how you felt. I'm horrible. I'm a horrible person. I shut you out when you needed me and I needed you the most. I left you to hurt one your own, and I... I don't know how you've forgiven me.... I shouldn't-"

I cut off his rambling with a kiss to his jawline, and it works. He pauses and looks at me.

Shit, Rissa, what was that for? I ask myself.

"Shit, I'm sorry... I-" This time I'm cut off by a kiss, but to my lips. 

Finnick presses his lips onto mine. His lips are dry and taste of sugar and salt. Latching onto mine perfectly, like a key in a lock. 

The kiss is soft and gentle, neither of us wanting to pull away. Emptying our emotions. Communicating in a way we can't with anyone else. Knowing exactly what the other is thinking without needing words.

We pull away to breath, and it seems like our kiss was too short, as he leans his forehead onto mine.

"God, you do not know how long I've been wanting to do that." I say to him, smirking.

Without a warning, he meets my lips again, but this time give it a quick peck, as he does to my forehead, my nose, my chin, my temples, and my jawline. He mutters sweet nothings in-between each peck, like "I love you" or "you're so beautiful" or "I'll never leave you again".

I groan with pleasure as he places a tender kiss on my neck, before placing another on my forehead and pulling me into his arms. 

"Well, if the Nerissa Alvaro is so brave, why didn't she do it ages ago" He finally replies, as my head lies on his chest and his hand rests on my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

"Nerissa was afraid, Finnick Odair could have any woman fall in love with him if he wanted to. Why would I suppose that, that woman could be me?" I say quietly.

"Nerissa had no reason to be. Nerissa is one in a million. And Finnick Odair would have fallen for her from the moment they met, if they weren't toddlers at the time." He laughs, making me laugh.

"I like it when you laugh"

"Then I guess I'll have to do it more often."

ꜰɪɴɴɪᴄᴋ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ...

That girl, the one I knew before the games started, the cheeky and innocent girl is now gone. She was shattered, disappearing when the blood first appeared on her hands. Watching her fall over the edge, over a rocky cliff she could never return from. Falling into the darkness of insanity. And I couldn't do a thing. The arena had changed her and she is no longer Nerissa. She was damaged and something different.

She has been broken into thousands of pieces.

Broken. Shattered.


But she survived and once again I feel her in my arms. Our feelings are the same now, both on equal levels. She's different but still, she feels the same love for me. The love I now feel for her.

"Finnick." Hearing her whisper my name whilst she's in my arms, our reunion upon her return from the arena, has made me feel real joy for the first time in my life. However, as happy as I am to have her back, I can't escape the fact that she is now fragile. Crazy. Broken. Even if she tries to act like her old self. And I would have to hide my love for her, to protect her from what no one protected me from. The games don't end with the arena. Even as a victor, you are still a piece on a chess board. I can't openly admit my love for her.

But I would still do my best in those stolen moments we continue to share.
The best to heal. To mend the pieces of her heart and mind.

To fix what was broken.



Next update! I can't believe I wrote over 4000 words on the first chapter!

I'll be switching between PoVs, just so that you can get to read Finnick's thoughts, as well as Nerissa's.

This book won't be too slow, I don't want to rush things between the two, but this chapter was very, very fluffy to make up for the shortness of it ;)

I don't want to rush things, so after confessing their feelings, there will be a major plot twist, and I'll slowly move the time to Catching Fire, then The Mockingjay (my favourite part!).

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! 𓃱 <3

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