"oh! are you one of Demo's friends?" Burt asked, (remember Burt was still 12 at the time)


it was my fucking brother.

he shot bad looks at Burt, and i came ran in front of Burt and growled at my brother.

"Demo? what's going on?" Burt asked.

he really doesn't know that this bitch is my fucking brother.

"well hello sis" he chuckled, god i hate his ass.

"hi bitch" i laughed.

he looked at Burt and grinned.

at the fuck is he grinning at?

"who's this little kid?" he walked over to Burt.

"i'm 12 stupid." Burt spat.

take that stupid.

then he looked at me, shit.

"this kid talks like you.. are you... taking care of it?!" he sounded shocked. since when did he care if i took care of a shy child who lost it's parents?

"urg, since when did you fucking care? and to answer you're question yes i am!" i snapped.

he scoffed, then laughed.

"you do know this is a human right? he's gonna kill you when he's older. and don't tell me i didn't warn you.." he was gonna walk away until a shot a spit at the back of his head.

"make me bitch. i'm gonna teach this child to be against killing nature unlike the humans out there!" i growled

he barked at me and growled as well.


Burt jumped and ran to me.

"this child needs me. so leave it be." i said calmly.

Burt didn't make me blind.

he made me see more light.

"whatever, it's not me who's against my own family." he pouted and my eyes widened and stomped on his paw.

"Burt is my ONLY family. i have no other." i pressed on it harder.

"what the fuck are you saying? you're cursed!" he spat.

i let go of his paw, and walked away.

"c'mon Burt. we need to go"  i said, and  Burt nodded.

when we turned around to leave, i heard a sudden scream.

that was Burt's poor scream.

the quickly turned around, to see my brother on Burt, and his paw on Burt's head. ready to crush it.

"DEMO!" Burt screamed.

he brother had a bloody smile i never saw.

and i HATE it.

and ran to him and bit his neck and pulled him away from Burt.

"are you okay?" i asked Burt, to see if he's hurt.

"no.." he sniffed.


i turned around and growled at him

"fight me bitch." i said, i could feel Burt's worry.

i'll be fine. you'll just stay there.

i started the fight by running straight to him, and started my first move.

we have been fighting for  a couple of hours.

and Burt was shaking so hard that i thought he was gonna crumble into pieces.

once we stopped, he ran to me, or so i thought.

i  ditched him, but wished i hadn't.

he went straight for Burt, and used his claws.

he scratched his chest, showing blood.

Burt screamed a bloody scream. i have ever heard.

he.... died.

i felt tear whelm up inside me, and i ran to my brother and grabbed him by his neck.

and threw him to the river nearby, making drown.

once he was out of my sight, i walked toward Burt's lifeless body.

i pulled his soul out of his body for healing.

once i healed his body i gently placed his soul back inside there.

i waited for him to wake up, then i saw him breathe air again.

then he opened his minty eyes, sitting up.

and i made sure that he still had memory.

"Hello?" i said, testing him.

"Demo!" he had a smile on  his face, making me smile as well.

"is your brother gone?" he asked having fear in his voice.

"no, Burt.. don't worry about that bitch." i said, having growls in my voice.

he nodded and climbed on my back, he likes doing that.

and i start walking.

as i was walking next to the river, i growled not wanting to deal with my brother again.

and i went to a different path, to get my mind off of it..


time flashed back to now, having Demo's eyes tear up.

"i'm still planning my revenge to this day.." Demo coughed up tears.

Sven was paying attention, and looked at Burt sleeping.

Demo caught him looking, and sighed.

"if i didn't heal him, he wouldn't be in your arms by now" Demo explains.

"..i'm pretty sure that your brother is dead. if the river was fast, then your planning your revenge on nothing. his pretty much dead." Sven explained

"but we don't know that." she said.

Sven can tell Demo's worried about her little brother, and scared that he might die again.

"if you guys ever, i mean EVER get in a relationship.." Demo's voice sounded in pain.

Sven eyes widened as he knew he already in a relationship with Burt.

"protect him. i don't wanna see him killed like his parents." she whimpered.

Sven nodded. and he felt Burt's grip tighten like he heard everything.

that's what he's gonna do..


wow... okay first off, the flash back i imagined last night

like i didn't know it took so long.


Words: 1361 (whoops i did it again)

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