Chapter Forty-Five

Depuis le début

In one rigid movement, Emma releases Rowan from the embrace, and leans toward me with a whisper. "What's her problem?"

I motion her away from the table. Not so much that Rowan can't overhear, but to increase the distance between them. It's clear my sister is uncomfortable.

"She's not still afraid of me, is she?" Emma's words are tinged with annoyance as soon as we're out of earshot.

I shake my head. "Her grandma had a heart attack this morning and her mom had to fly out to Utah. She's just worried, is all."

"The poor thing." Emma studies Rowan for a beat before turning back to me. "I know something that will make her feel better. Remember how we always made smoothies when we babysat her?" She brushes past me toward the fridge. "I know your mom has fruit around here somewhere. It'd be a first if she didn't."

The refrigerator door swings open with a swoosh and Emma pokes her head inside. She retrieves a carton of fresh strawberries and a container of yogurt, and sets them on the counter. "Now all we need is our secret ingredient."

My eyes follow her as she grabs a few bananas from the holder and snoops through the cabinets, pulling out the cutting board. She plucks a knife from the drawer and sets everything near an outlet. There's a moment of hesitation. "Where does she keep the blender again?"

An exhale seeps from my nose. "Same place as always."

Reluctantly, I open a cabinet door and place the blender on the island. I am so not in the mood for smoothies. I need her out of here. But if I cooperate, maybe we can make this quick. The clock's ticking, and I have things to do before my parents get back.

"Thank you, Miss Grumpy Pants." Emma releases a teasing laugh. "Why don't you relax and I'll take care of everything." She guides me to the chair next to Rowan's and pulls back the seat, before retreating to assemble the blender.

When I slouch into place, I give Rowan's knee a squeeze. Her muscles tense beneath my fingers. "The sooner we drink her smoothies the sooner this will be over with, okay?" I say under my breath.

"But I don't want to."

"I know, and I'm sorry. Just trust me on this. Emma will be out of here in no time."

"But Arbor—"

"It's fine, I promise. I'm right here with you. There's nothing to be nervous about. Now give me just a sec, I need to get a hold of my friend."

A shaky breath pushes past Rowan's lips.

I feel bad cutting her off, but I have to let Jordan know what's going on. I pull my phone from my pocket and shoot her a quick text.

Me: Change in plans. I have to babysit Rowan today and now Emma's here. As soon as she leaves, I'll get in touch with you

Jordan: y is emma there??

Me: No idea. I'll get rid of her as quick as I can

I slip my phone back into my pocket while Emma holds the blender beneath the ice dispenser. As cubes fall into the cylinder, a noisy clatter fills the room.

Rowan tugs on my sleeve. "I need to tell you something," she says in an urgent whisper.

My eyes shoot across the kitchen. Emma's moved on to the strawberries now, taking her time as she slices each one into perfect red slivers.

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