Prompt #4

265 17 22

Texas - El Chupacabra

Louisiana - Rougarou

New York - Champy

California - the Watchers

Florida - Skunk Ape

Gov - Demon Cat


It was, sadly, a normal day at the statehouse. Everything was going as per usual, Florida creating chaos, Louisiana helping him, DC and California trying to stop him, New York had a migraine from it all and Texas was in the kitchen, cleaning his gun.

Everything was going normally until the states all were hit with a crippling amount of debilitating fear out of nowhere. 

Then chaos erupted when what appeared to be animals of some kind, all about 5 year old child sized appeared out of nowhere and started chasing everyone. 

Texas tried to shoot the small being rushing at him but it jumped and knocked the gun from his hand and landed on his arm. He shrieked and waved his arm wildly, dislodging it. Florida and Louisiana were in the yard when over the fence came stinky brown haired slimy apelike creature and a bipedal wolf. Louisiana shrieked in fear and bolted for the house, Florida hot on his heels and the creatures tearing after them. Inside, New York ducked into the bathroom to hide, but the blood in his veins froze when he heard a wet schlap from the bathtub. He screeched in fear and clawed at the handle to get out but something hit the door next to him, hard. California rushed after Louie and Florida, uncaring of the monsters after them, but paused at the sight of a shadow in the corner of the living room, almost 15 feet tall and watching him with pure white eyes, motionless.

He huffed and spoke out loud, knowing no one would answer, "Is that what this is?" He stood, staring at the shadow and sighed. "Guys! Quit freaking out! They won't hurt you!" That did nothing to calm the others till DC came down the hall, a large black tiger-like shadow prowling next to him.

He opened the bathroom door for New York and led him to the front room. "Calm down, guys."

Florida flipped his shit. "Calm down?! What are these things DC?!" He shied away from the 3 foot slimy ape like creature clinging to his swim trunks and staring up at him.

"They're our state myths or, well, mythical creatures," he rested his hand on the head of the tiger and it sat down next to him while New York stopped next to him holding a water creature that was nuzzling him. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, but allowed it to continue nuzzling him. 

Texas came from the kitchen holding the small alien-like being by its hands and feet, frowning at it. "So you're saying this is like.. a part of our cultures?" 

DC smiled a bit and nodded. 

Louisiana looked down at the small Rougarou nuzzling his hand and back at Florida, his gaze softening and he smiled at the other, "yeah, we're okay, Right, Flo'?"

Florida nodded, looking down at the creature holding his pant leg. At that moment he had the same thought as California.

'This is a representation of me.'

California looked away from the eyes of the Watcher and looked around at his fellow states, New York locked eyes with him and looked confused. Texas was staring at him, concerned, still holding the struggling house cat sized Chupacabra and California felt a smile twist his lips at the apt comparison between the Chupacabra and Texas.

At the smile Texas rolled his eyes to avoid looking at the cute smile. 

"So, wait," Florida said after a long pause. "I have.. a skunk ape. Louie has a...?"

"Rougarou," Louie supplied. "'S like a shape shifter."

"A Rougarou. Texas has El Chupacabra. But what about you guys..?" He looked at each of the other three.

New York sheltered the small water creature from Florida's curious eyes, "Her name is Champy."

"You can even tell what gender it is?!" 

New York growled at Florida, but was stopped when the small body in his arms produced the same sound.

"O-kay..." Florida looked at California. "And what about you?"

California smiled a million watt smile, happy. "This is a Watcher! They normally aren't this tall, but-"

"That's great, I don't care," Florida turned to DC. "And you?"

DC smiled softly and looked down at the shadow cat, now normal sized, seated at his side. "This is Demon Cat. He was a mouser in the capitol tunnels when he was alive." The shadow looked up at him and very faintly, everyone in the room heard a meow. 

California made a noise. "His name is Demon Cat?"

DC nodded.

"So," California started, pausing to glance at the others. "His name is.. DC?"

DC smirked at them, then turned to head back down the hall, leaving them with a faint chuckle. "Take care of your new pets."

The others shared a look and felt genuine fear at that chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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