Soulmate AU: Prompt #2

291 21 13

Prompt: It is physically impossible to harm your soulmate.


Another day, another meeting that California was on his way to. Sipping his coffee to attempt to get some energy in him before he got there, he sighed. The others had been nothing but assholes to him since inauguration, telling him he'd been an idiot to expect any positive change, and it was starting to get to him.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and ended up walking face first into Texas's chest. He jumped back slightly, startled and looked up at the other who was looking down at him, a little worried.

As Texas opened his mouth to say something, California quickly ducked past him into the meeting room, face red, and chugged the rest of his coffee as he sat down.

DC called the meeting to start and from there he attempted to steer it towards Biden's plan for his first hundred days, but as usual that was derailed. Someone had brought up Biden lifting the transgender military ban and Texas got all up in arms at DC about it, basically spouting off the same bullshit Trump had fed all of his supporters.

Most of they south added their two cents into the argument while the north mostly stayed silent about it and each word coming from their mouths grated on California's nerves. He felt his patience snap and he stood, hands slamming down on the table snapping everyone's attention to him and the momentum sending his chair careening back into the wall.

DC opened his mouth to reprimand California for the outburst, but the words froze on his tongue at the sight of the other's expression. California's pupils had shrunk to pinpoints, allowing the bright blue and gold to reflect dangerously behind his glasses, and his lips were twisted up in a snarl.

"You know, fuckface, you're such a big military supporter, I thought you'd be all for people throwing away their lives to join," the table was dead silent, looking to Texas for his response.

"Yeah, but the military shouldn't be letting opposite genders room with each other! It's immoral!"

California let out an outraged sound, picked up his ceramic coffee mug and hurled it at Texas.

It would have hit him in the face...


It went right fucking through him.

The table was silent for three seconds then all hell erupted. Most of the southern states and some of the northerns were screaming about ghosts, Louie looked like he actually had seen a ghost, Florida was thriving in the chaos, and DC was highly upset.

California ran from the room, terrified. He didn't know what the fuck that was but NOPE.


Louie was worried, that much was obvious to Florida. After California ran out, Louisiana was the next to leave looking worryingly serious.

After the meeting ended Florida went to look for his Chaos partner and found him in their now shared room, tucked up on the top bunk with his phone up to his ear, typing on his laptop. When Florida tried to get his attention Louie shoo'd him away, actually shoo'd him! 

Florida huffed and crossed his arms, backing up to stand in the middle of the room and glare at Louie, pouting angrily. 

After a couple of minutes, Louisiana hung up his phone and reread what he'd typed before closing the laptop and looking at Florida, "Sorry, Flo, I-"

Florida cut him off by holding up a hand. "No excuses. What was that? You don't just shoo me for nothing."

Louisiana looked a little hesitant to tell him, but one look at Florida's pout had him at least trying to explain. "It was about what happened earlier with California and Texas."

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