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A little ray of sun shone into his room, the male's body sprawled across the floor, the back of his hand resting on his forehead

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A little ray of sun shone into his room, the male's body sprawled across the floor, the back of his hand resting on his forehead. He stared aimlessly at the ceiling, recalling his high school days.

High school...

What a good time that was. His first time loving, touching, and feeling was all in that time. Thanks to her.

Turning onto his side, he continued to look at the bit of the outside world, feeling no motivation to move. Maybe, just maybe, he should write a book about it. But, what would he say? How would he describe her? What was she?

Wednesday was so pretty, so utterly beautiful that merely looking at her eased his mind. Like the sky.

Shigure let out a gasp, quickly scrambling to his desk. He roughly grabbed a paper and his favorite pen, writing what came to mind.

In Kaibara's SuperMarket, Tohru walked around with her head down, the twenty-six year old's words weighing heavily on her shoulders. That was the only time I was ever truly happy...

There had to be a way for them to unite. He looked so alive talking about her, and yet was trapped under his shackles of pain.

Tohru followed her urge to look up, gasping. The brunette blinked, having no idea why the high schooler acted the way she did.

"Uhm, Miss? You're Shigure's first love...right?" the girl shouldn't have pried, but the smile Wednesday gave broke a certain piece of her. It was so...warm. That was the only way to describe it. Wednesday's smile was so comforting and sad that Tohru could feel the warmth of her soul taking her into her embrace.

"Let me guess," she crossed her arms, leaning up against the wall of a random store, "you're over here meddling into his business because you'll think it'll help him be more happy?" a smirk went onto the woman's face once Tohru's face flushed, getting flustered at how abruptly she got exposed. Bingo.

Wednesday sighed, pushing herself off the wall with her foot, "Come on, let me at least treat you before giving you something to cry about."

As Tohru followed behind the most precious piece of Shigure's past, she saw. Countless ways to describe Wednesday came to mind, but Tohru couldn't shake what it really was. Passionate, kind, loving, under all those things stood something else: something dark. Something she could never grab. What was it? What was it that made Wednesday so...untouchable?

"Is here okay?" the brunette looked over at the high schooler, still having the same grin as when they first met. "Uh-" Tohru snapped out of her daydream, "y-yeah," she answered, "here's okay."

A bell at the top of the cafe door jingled as the 25 year old pushed the door open. The 16 year old got caught off guard as the female's hand went to her lower back, guiding her to a clear table. "It's kinda crowded here today, so be careful, alright?" Wednesday whispered, making Tohru nod. "Okay, I will."

A few moments of silence fell between the two, Wednesday gazing out the window as her cheek rested in her hand. Tohru was lost, staring at the woman with intrigued eyes. The minor flinched when the female's eyes met hers, causing Wednesday to laugh. "Aight, so," the lady crossed her arms once again, leaning back in her chair, "what do you wanna know?"

"Well, I-I don't really have anything specific..." Tohru fiddled her thumbs, staring at her lap. "Just curious about the past, then, love?" Wednesday raised an eyebrow, a sudden confidence surrounding her. "I guess you can say that." the younger avoided eye contact, looking straight at the woman once she heard a sigh.

Wednesday stared down at the floor, a pitiful smile on her lips while her hazelnut eyes shone. "I met Shigure after being on the Student Council with Hatori and Ayame." She started, looking back out the window, "it was in our second year of high school. Before that, I saw him around from time to time, but second year was where it was." the female sighed once again, ruffling her hair, "To be honest, we never officially confirmed that we were dating, but everybody including ourselves knew....supposedly." the 25 year old chuckled, looking down at her cup of coffee. "I understood him. Well, I questioned if I did a few times, but at the end of the day, I knew him. Who he was, what he was."

"I saw everything there was to know about him. We got along, knowing each step we'd make." Exactly. She knew, and ignored it.

She remembers that classroom, how she always looked out into that garden as he would make conversation with her.

"Why do you bother with me, Shigure? We both know you don't have the heart to love me." Wednesday's 16 year old self once said, hand dismantling the cold of the window. "That's not true, I love you very much." 17 year old Shigure assured, smiling that same devious smile, his eyes having his usual glint of mischief. "You lie so well, it's frightening." the girl scoffed a laugh, closing her eyes. The sincerity his voice held scared her to the bone, because they both knew what that meant.

"He meant it." Wednesday concluded, staring at the window with a miserable grin, "He loved me with every inch of his body, but that still wasn't enough. No matter how much he loved me, it wouldn't have been enough. So, I made sure to clarify that those pretty lies of his stayed lies." she bit her inner cheek, her left hand tightly gripping her right fist.

"What made it not enough?" it needed to be asked, Tohru's eyes desperately awaiting the answer. Wednesday's eyes only shone more, "Shigure...Shigure could try and front all he wants, but he made his choice." It was a vague answer, the woman merely shrugging, her tone holding a hint of malice. "...Did Ayame and Hatori try to change his choice?" Tohru said quietly, shrinking into a ball. "How could they?" Wednesday stroked back her soft brown locks, laughing, "How could they even be displeased with Shigure's decision when they chose the same thing?"

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