{Escape Attempt}

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As a "punishment" for my crimes in the visiting room, even though it was all his fault, Gojo escorted me to this cell block tower. Where inside held these three random, who looked at me hungrily as the door opened.

"Oh, it's the cute newbie!~ "

Gojo:"*glare* I see at least one of you has eyes, and yes just like you she has no regret for the crime she committed. Even so I hope you all can get along for the night"

(Y/n):"H-Huh?! No way you can't....!"

Before I could utter another phrase Gojo had closed the door on me. Which made the men snicker mischievously as they risen from where they sat.

"Hey, there's no need to be upset sweetheart~"

"Yeah, because your about to have some fun with us now!~"

I began shivering in place as they inched closer to me and braced myself for what was to come. Only for my fear to turn into shock when my lunchroom savior himself stood in front of me. After glancing back he huffed in annoyance, man, I guess he truly wasn't kidding about having a temper.

"*growls* You've been getting in the way since this afternoon Toji, so would you piss off already!"

One of the men had then taken out a shard of glass and proceeded to slice Toji in the arm with it, giving him a nice clean cut. I immediately closed my eyes, in order to shield them from the blood that sprayed out of it. I opened them once I heard a loud thud and saw that the three men had all been knocked out cold.

Toji:"For fucks sake. It's only been like what an hour or so? And your already causing another disturbance. FYI, I was sleeping before you came in here"

(Y/n):"I-I'm sorry I really didn't mean to disturb your sleep. But that doesn't matter right now, your hurt and need to be patched up, so here let me do it"

I motioned for him to take off his shirt and though he was reluctant, he still did as he was told. Once it was off, I gasped as I saw a tattoo of a dragon with roses plastered on his back. Now I know this guy felt familiar. This was The Toji Fushiguro, the man who was found guilty on the news for murder and being apart of this dangerous Yakuza gang called Malevolent Serpent. After going in front and patching him up, I shakily watched him put his shirt back on.

Toji:"Hmp not bad, did you study first aid during your years?"

(Y/n):"Ah yeah, my mother happens to be a nurse so I learned by watching her"

Toji:"Got it. Now to my next question, what did you get sent to prison for? You don't seem like the criminal type"

(Y/n):"Your definitely right on that one. I was arrested for murder but I never hurt anyone, but even so, out of the blue, no one would listen to me!"

Letting out a faint gasp, I immediately ran and squatted near the side of the room. Why...Why am I letting my guard down in front of him? He's the real cold blooded killer here. I mean it's bad enough that I'm stuck in the place as Gojo and Getou's personal plaything, but with him too. I flinched when he walked, sat down next to me, and proceeded to lay my head against his chest.

Toji:"It'll be pain to hear you complaining about your neck or back aching in the morning, so you can sleep on me until then"

Maybe it was that baritone voice of his, the way it was soothing like a lustrous melody. But something made my body do as he command and fall asleep into his muscled chest, that smelled greatly like the fresh days of spring. It suffocated me to the core, to the point where I nearly didn't feel bothered by the beam of light from opened door. The calmness in my heart only broken when I saw how sinister Gojo's face gotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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