{Getting to Know}

Start from the beginning

Gojo:"There's a certain someone who has graciously come to visit you! Best not to keep them waiting"

Toji:"Looks like you have to go, I hope we cleared things up here"

I was scared to say anything else, so I gave him a slight nod and immediately went with Gojo. While following him I paid attention to his demeanor, was it me or was he a bit too happy and eager about me meeting this visitor of mines. Even more happy than I was when we made it to the visiting room and I got to see who it is, it...it was Yuji.


I nearly bumped myself into the glass header between us as I ran up to him. He smiled at me, but I could tell from the tiny bags under his lids making him look like L's from death note cousin, that he hasn't been sleeping much since my imprisonment. It honestly made my heart ache, I never wanted to see him like this.

Yuji:"(Y/n)! How are you? Those inmates didn't do anything to you did they?"

(Y/n):"No, I'm fine thankfully"

Yuji:"Good. I was worried I'd might have to go and maim someone in there"

(Y/n):"*smile* Luckily you don't, after all I wouldn't want you ending up in here as well"

Yuji:"If it meant having you in my arms again, I'd gladly accept it"

As I blushed, Gojo secretly rolled his eyes at Yuji's remark. He hadn't even known him for that long and already he had distaste for him. Which is why he felt no remorse for what he was about to do.

(Y/n):"That's very sweet of you. But listen, there's no way I'm staying here. I swear I'm going to get out and prove my innocence, when that happens we can...."

I gasped as I suddenly felt air near my crotch and hands skimming from my thighs, to pinching my (a/s) ass. No. There's j-just no way! Does this man not have a shred of decency at all?! Apparently not as he used his teeth to bring my pants zipper down and my panties, before sliding his tongue along my cilt and "lips". My lips quivered at my attempts to suppress the unsavory delight that my body wanted me to seep out.

Yuji:"(Y-Y/n), are you okay? Your looking pretty red in the face there"

(Y/n):"Mm—I-It's na..nothing~ I...I'm simply feeling a bit s-sick I..is all~"

Gojo:"*smirk* Giving a convincing lie, glad to see you kept that quality about you, (y/n)~"

He furthered my stimulation by carefully inserting his fingers inside me, making sure they didn't go too deep, before twisting them around. Like my body was on auto-pilot, the sensation made me numb and lean my cheeks towards the glass for support. While small ounces of my clear liquid splashed on Gojo's tongue and fingers.

Yuji:"*frown* Really? That's unfortunate to hear, I'm sorry I can't give you any medicine or anything"

(Y/n):"O-Oh t..there's n-no n..need to m..make a big fuss over it, I-I'm sure it's just a m..minor illness that'll go a-away soon—Ngh~"

I gritted my teeth as Gojo, who seemed to have gotten turned on by my stimuli, began sucking my "lips" before joining his tongue with his fingers. Creating a new sensation entirely, as it was somehow long enough to curl and almost puncture my G-spot. With watery eyes, I panted in exasperation, which caused a part of the glass to fog from my breath. Concerned by it, Yuji opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of a ring. Which indicated that his time has completely run out.

Yuji:"Seriously?! Already? *sigh* I'm sorry again (Y/n) but I've got to go, but I promise I'll try to visit you again tomorrow"

Yuji then pressed his lips to where my cheek was on the glass before leaving. I guess my body had fully succumbed to pleasure, because once he was gone I screamed and bucked my hips toward Gojo. As he gripped onto my ass tighter while deepening his tongue, overwhelming me and causing cum to squirt out for the second time. Which had continued to leak on the floor as he allowed me to drop to it after pulling out and moving to the side. I don't think I ever been this humiliated, this disgraceful, and staring at the putrid liquid between my legs certainly didn't make me feel better.

Gojo:"*licks lips* Well now, wasn't that fun~ I must admit I am kinda shocked you were able to not not utter a single croak through that. I'm also rather curious, has your boyfriend ever made you orgasm like that? Cmon, be honest with me~"

(Y/n):"*turns head* Yo...your an asshole"

Gojo:"*smirk* Say, are you crying?"

(Y/n):"O-Of course I am genius! How mentally unstable are you?! To do something like this...and in front of someone's loved one...just what are you and Getou's problem!?"

Gojo responded with an innocent hum, despite being the absolute opposite, and bent down to squish my cheeks. Using his thumb to play with my lips.

Gojo:"I thought me and Getou made it perfectly clear, your our problem (y/n). A problem that even if we tried, there's no chance we'd ignore~"

{ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝔾𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕦}Where stories live. Discover now