Finding the perfect family

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One Saturday morning Savannah Ross was watching TV and an ad for a dog shelter came up.

Savannah had wanted a dog for ages but her children are afraid of dogs.

Savannah thought to herself : maybe of we get a dog the kids will not be afraid?

She went outside to talk to John about it.

When she told him he thought for a moment and the he agreed.

Savannah was so excited she ran inside sat on the sofa and called the animal shelter :

S/Savannah:Hello is this Sarah's Animal Shelter?

ASV\Animal shelter volunteer: Yes it is how may I help you?

S:do you have any dogs here my family can adopt?

ASV:Yes we do, do you have a dog in mind?

S:Yes actually I do!

ASV: That's great what kind of dog are you looking for?

S:Well I love Jack Russell's cross with a Bison Frise, would you have any?

ASV:We actually do!Would you like to come down to the animal shelter to see?

S:Yes! What time can we come?

ASV:Anytime between 1pm-5pm.

S:We will come at 1:30pm if that suits?

ASV:Yes that's perfect I'll see you soon.

*the call ends*

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