Start from the beginning

"What...?" Makoto dryly chuckled at celestias words, "To live here forever...?"

"Here we have every convenience. We have food, clothes, our every need is seen too. Why are you dissatisfied? In fact, let me ask you this? What is it about the outside world that you long for? Competition, discrimination, victimization and violence... As society grows, so does its perversion. In which case, is our current situation not--"

"Demon Angel☆Pretty Pudgy Princess..." Hifumi cut off the goth.


"Meggy, the drill shop owner, the bunny-eared Amazon, Catgirl Dogboy, Robo Justice and the Galactic King... And...! And--!" He turned to me with tears in his eyes. "Y/N! What I mean is, there's no 2D here!?"

'....I beg to differ—"

"That's fine, you can draw us some right?"


"The mastermind puts such base desire to their advantage, bending you to their will..." Celestia snapped our attention back onto her.

"As the oldest one here, I'm officially stepping up to take the lead! So! We're all gonna work together and spend the rest of the day searching the school!" Hero slapped his forearm and stood up. His chair scraping against the tiles, "With the help of Taka, he allowed me to be in charge today."



"Well, I mean...since the class trial is over and all..."

"..there should be new places for us to investigate." Chihiro immediately looked over at me and I knew I was about to be dragged around by the small male once again.

"Yeah, that's the ticket! Maybe we'll find some kind of clue this time!"

"Then once we're done eating, let's split up and begin looking around. So you have a problem with that, Celeste?"

Celestia turned away from Sakura's questioning. "Hmm... There may well be a discovery waiting for us which may further enrich our life here."

She confused me so much, she should be trying to put her plan into motion soon.... now I need to watch both her and everyone else...

Nothing's changed on this floor. The only difference is the gate blocking the stairs leading up to the 3rd floor is gone. I guess that's where they want us to head next....

Chihiro softly Interwinded our hands as Sakura dragged out Aoi for the ride.

"The windows up here are also barred with metal plates. Not surprising, I suppose." Sakura noted while we walked into a classroom.

"So escape still looks impossible..." Aoi grumbled. She tried pulling on one of the ones built here.

"It's no use, I've tried it before many times..."

"What if we find a loose one?" Aoi joked but silently let her hands fall to the ground.

"I've used the same strength I use when i stand-up fighting, grappling and a strong ground game..."

"Are you talking about Aikido?" I asked her.

"Correct." She gave me a grin, "Aikido focuses mostly on joint locks and throws. I've studied it, of course, but... ...my technique involves everything - stand-up, grappling, and a strong ground game."

"You're basically a mixed martial arts fighter, right?" Makoto leaned onto one of the classroom tables.

"That's right. It's the most effective real-world fighting style, which is why I chose it. I don't want to just be the best in competitions. I want to be the strongest human on Earth." She tried twisting one of the bolts on the windows before giving up again.

"But you're crazy strong now!" Aoi grinned.

"Exactly." Makoto spoke up again, "I wouldn't bet against you, that's for sure. But aren't you already the best?"

She shook her head, "No, not yet. There's still someone I have to surpass..."

"Really...?" I asked.

"Until I can beat him, I'll never become the strongest..."

"You mean there's someone out there stronger than you? ..." Aoi almost fainted.

"Maybe I'll tell you about it another time, if the opportunity presents itself." Sakura didn't make a sound as she left. Both Makoto and Aoi were left flabbergasted learning the new information about our friend.


Are you guys confused on the arrows....? They dont point to any of the new feelings, they just show if your interaction with them was positive or negative?

Exactly like this

Exactly like this

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