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Tw// self harm

It has been a month since Louis met Harry, the boy he liked so much, the boy he dreamed about, and even now even after a month he couldnot stop blushing when he looked at him. Alot had happened this month, Louis came out (just to his friends ), even Liam started going to their school and got very close to Harry like VERY close.

The bell rang indicating that it was time for Louis's physics class. He hated physics, he just didnot get the point of it, all he thought while looking at the white board was where even are we gonna use it.

As he was passing through the hallway with a few books in his hand but then he froze as he looked up ahead and saw a body way taller than his, with curly hair and a cute smirk.


He got so nervous, way nervous as Harry was coming closer, his green eyes trained straight ahead.

He held his books so tightly to his chest that if it was any harder he would have choked, just when Harry slightly bumped into him.


"i-its f-in-ne" ofcourse, Louis stuttered.

Even if Louis was older than Harry it didnot seem like it as harry was way taller than him, that his head could reach harry's lips.

As soon as Harry walked past him , he started running towards his classroom because he didnot want to be late.


"Okay, that is it for today, now don't forget about tomorrow's test"

"Ah shit" Louis frowned as he walked pass the door of the classroom. He looked at his watch which read 3 p.m. which meant school was over.

"You going at Niall's today right, I mean right now?" A bot with slight curls asked Louis.

"Yep- umm Liam-"

Liam stopped to let him complete.

"Nothin' umm... wait you want me to drive you?"

"Yep sure" Liam responded.


"Kill Niall kill him!" Zayn shouted as him, Liam and Niall were playing Fortnite.

"Louis can you please get my phone real quick? I guess it's in niall's room"

"Be right back"

As Louis was walking towards niall's room he saw harry, near the bathroom door shirtless , he was talking to someone on phone he was yelling at whoever it was.

"....how can you say that El!" Harry yelled.

"Fine, you want me to break up with you, fine we are done"

".... I DON'T WANT TO TAKE THE DAMN PILLS WILL YOU JUST-- WE ARE DONE" Harry stopped as he spotted Louis.

"Did anyone not teach you not to eavesdrop" Harry yelled at Louis as he hung up the phone.

He pushed him towards niall's door and held his t-shirt. "What did you hear?"

"What is wrong with you!?" Louis asked harry still smiling as Harry was still shirtless.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" Harry said he was angry but his eyes were watery.

"What is wrong Harry" Louis couldnot watch the boy he liked so much cry like that. He reached out to harry and put his hands around his waist as he whispered,

"Its okay baby, I will hold you okay?" Louis said as Harry sobbed.

Harry pushed him away still crying and yelling.

We'll be alright ➵Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now