She met his gaze now. "I'll come with you."

He got the shower going, and she got two towels from her room for them. George watched as she placed the towels down on the sink, and then began to peel her tank top and pj bottoms off.

He felt his face flush, and his heart quicken. It had been so long since he had seen her, so long since he had touched her or kissed her. His lust was overwhelming, but he bit it back. She clearly wasn't herself right now. This wasn't the time for those type of things.

He turned away from her and began to take his own clothes off. He tried to ignore the feeling of her eyes on him. The electricity that seemed to charge the air of the small bathroom.

She got in first, and he discarded the last of his clothes and quickly followed.

The water was hot, almost burning on Lyra's skin. But she didn't shy away from the feeling. She heard the pull of the curtain, and the sound of George stepping into the shower with her. She felt a hand lightly graze her arm, and she opened her eyes and turned to him. She could feel his worry, his lust, and his love for her. How hard he was trying to restrain himself, in fear of upsetting her.

Lyra reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling him close to her and into the water. That's all he needed, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Holding her there, resting his head on top of hers, and it was like life was being breathed back into her. The hardened shell cracking, the numbness melting away. The feeling of her own emotions coming back to her raw and heavy.

"Talk to me Love." He whispered to her. "Talk to me."

And just like that, it all came pouring out. She told him about the n.e.w.t.s, about the inquisitorial squad, the nightly detentions, the isolation. How much she missed him and Fred, and hated school. How she missed her family, and was worried about Sirius. How she hadn't been able to talk to Ginny or Lee in weeks.

George held her and took it all in. Baring the weight of her pain. Never once letting go no matter how much her emotions stung. He held her there until her words ran out, until her sobs faded to sniffles, and then to nothing at all.

"I thought something was going on." He said to her, stepping back enough so he could see her face.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, "I didn't mean to explode like that."

"Do you feel better?" He asked seriously.

She nodded. "yes. I feel a bit like myself again."

"Then that's all that matters."

She reached up and touched his face, a small smile on her lips. "Thank you George."

He felt a thrill run through him, "there's that beautiful smile I've missed so much."

Her smile grew, and even in the warmth of the shower he could see her cheeks grow pinker. "W-we should probably hurry up before the water runs cold." She said reaching past him for a bottle of soap and turning away from him.

He chuckled, glad to feel her mood lifting. "little late to be shy now don't you think?"

"Shut it Weasley or I'll kick you out of my shower."

"I'd like to see you try." He laughed again, reaching around her and snatching the soap from her. She glared playfully at him, but didn't object.

Soon they were washed and out of the shower. The once warm air of her room now felt cool on her skin. She wrapped the towel tightly around her, grabbing a smaller one and dabbing her hair with it. Then she scooped up her and George's clothes carrying them out of the bathroom and putting them in a hamper in her bedroom. He followed walking past her and siting back on the sill. Gazing out at the cloudless night sky.

"I forgot how nice the view is from the castle." He said as she walked over to join him. Lyra crawled up into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her holding her to his bare chest. "How come you had your curtains shut? It's such a nice night out."

"I was hiding from the moon." She said without thinking.

He laughed, "Not going to turn into a werewolf on me are you?"

"No, and don't laugh. I just have a harder time sleeping when it's so bright like this."

He kissed her shoulder, his lips leaving behind a tingling sensation on her skin. "Don't worry love I won't let the big bad moon get you."

She leaned into him, resting her head onto his shoulder, and tilting her face up to his. Her eyes went to his lips then to his eyes. He smiled, thrilled by the want in them. He leaned down closing the space between them and kissed her. She tried to twist around to him, to turn towards him, closer to him, but he wrapped his arms around her holding her in place. Leaving her lips and trailing kisses down her neck, her collar bone, her bare shoulder...

"G-George?" She said and he pulled away to look at her. Taking in her flushed cheeks, her wide and anxious eyes.


"I want you to stay with me tonight."

He smirked, "Did you think I was going to fly back tonight in nothing but a towel?" He teased, but she didn't budge.

"No I mean I want you to stay with me tonight."

His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, before shooting upwards in surprise. "Oh." He said, "Your sure? Don't feel like we have too just because I'm here-"

The next thing George knew Lyra was standing and out of his reach. She faced away from him. "It's okay we don't have too."

His mood dipped and she could feel his confusion. "Do you not want too?"

She turned to look at him, really glared at him, her cheeks flushed so red he thought she might get a nose bleed. "Yes, I do. But it's okay because you don't want too.'

"What on earth gives you the idea that I don't want to?" He asked flabbergasted.

She played with the hem of her towel self consciously. Looking anywhere but at him. It was rather cute if he was honest. "Because you never seem to believe me when I ask. So I figured you must just be trying to avoid it."

He grinned, "I just want to make sure your ready. I don't want you to rush into something just because you think it'll make me happy."

"George." She laughed, and finally looked to him, "I love you but that's one of the silliest things I've heard."

He crossed his arm in mock anger. "And why is it silly?"

"Because you think it's more plausible that a girl would ask several times to have sex with you, even though she doesn't want too, in order to appease you. Rather then maybe just wanting to because she wants too?"

He blushed, "well when you put it like that..."

"It means a lot to me that you care, and you want to make sure I'm ready... And if you aren't that's okay too I just want to know, because I won't keep asking. I'll wait until you tell me your ready." She looked away from him again, her confidence waviering, "but if your really just putting it off for me then you don't have too."

Georges grin widened and his heart quickened, "Alright," he said leaning back against the sill again casually, "come here."

Lyra's eyes snapped to his and her stomach flipped. "W-what?"

He leaned forward, an arm out to her. "If your really sure, come over here."

The Order and The Ravenclaw (A George Weasley Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin