"Uh...no," Devyn shakes her head, her own hand going to rest over her stomach absentmindedly.

"The sickness...and you hesitated," The woman turns to her and leans her hip against the sink. "Are you...?" She trails off and looks to Devyn's hand.

"Yeah," She admits, her lips pulling back into a smile. "I just found out, a few days ago."

"Well it's not easy, I won't lie," The woman starts again - Devyn really needs to learn her name. "But this is my second and, despite the aches and stretch marks, my kids are the greatest thing I've ever done."

"Is it normal to feel this scared? Because I'm terrified." Devyn confides in the stranger, letting out a watery laugh.

"Oh, dear, of course it's normal," She nods, her dark hand reaching out to rest on Devyn's shoulder. "It's natural. You're going to have a little human you'll be in charge of. You're creating a life. But despite the fear you feel, the joy will be so much stronger."

Devyn wipes her eyes with a small laugh. "Everything makes me cry now and I don't like it."

The other woman laughs as well and nods. "Yes, that will happen. But not forever. I used to cry, then everything made me mad, and then I felt completely normal. Of course, it's different for everyone but..." She trails off with a shrug.

"Thanks for all the advice."

"No problem."

"It was really good talking to you but, I gotta get back," Devyn points towards the door then gestures down to her paramedics uniform and the woman nods, waving her off.

Pushing the bathroom door open, Devyn exits into the hallway and jumps back almost immediately. "Sorry, Macey," She apologizes to the nurse who smiles, quickly telling her it's alright before rushing away.

"You good?" Richard asks when she rejoins his side and she nods while gesturing over her shoulder.

"Yeah, just had a heart to heart in the bathroom with a stranger," She snorts.

"Of course you did," Richard mumbles before motioning for her to follow him back to the ambulance.


Both Richard and Devyn are eating caramel popcorn when they get their next call. Devyn hurries to close the box of food as the dispatcher tells them the problem - a possible broken leg - before she rattles off the address.

"That's the warehouse district," Devyn observes and Richard sighs.

"Eh, teenagers most likely."

"Yeah, I guess," Devyn agrees. "Lot of open ground, great place to skateboard."

"Speaking from experience?"

Chuckling, Devyn shrugs. "Maybe."

The part of town the two paramedics enter is darker than the rest. The number of streetlights dwindle, a few without working bulbs, but the lights from the ambulance provide enough light.

"This better not be a prank call."

"People actually do that?" Devyn questions with a glance towards her partner. She knows how teenagers can be, but fake calling in an emergency is just low. That could be taking away help from someone who really needs it. She's not against having fun but possibly killing someone is not fun.

"Yup, I'm surprised we haven't gotten one since you started."

"Okay, well, I don't see anyone, so, what?" Devyn asks, eyes scanning the surroundings she's able to see. "We go look?"

"I go look," Richard corrects and Devyn rolls her eyes but before she can protest, he's already climbing out of the vehicle.

"I go look," Devyn mocks under her breath, making her voice deeper in an attempt to match Richard's. Sighing, the young woman looks around before shakes her head and opens her door. "Rich?"

"Devyn-" Devyn knows something is wrong immediately. Richard never calls her by her first name. Ever, he just doesn't do it. It's always Miller or Kid. Sometimes idiot. But never Devyn.

But despite the little warning, her heart still drops when she sees the gun. Both of them. Devyn's had a gun pointed at her before but the past experience doesn't help.

The guy behind Richard keeps his gun pointed at his head while his friend's attention moves to Devyn. "Good," The twitchy one as Devyn has dubbed him in her head, nods. "Don't do anything stupid and maybe we won't shoot either of you."

"What do you want?" Devyn questions, her hands raised slightly at her sides.

"You and your buddy here," Twitchy gestures, with his gun, between her and Richard. "You're going to save our friend."


1. Cliff hanger! Love those! Don't you guys?
2. I think this whole plot area was the main idea for this story. I had it in mind the whole time.
3. So, pretending that you don't hate me right now, what are your thoughts? What do you guys think is going to happen?

Thanks for reading! Twenty-four hours until you guys see what's next! Feel free to yell at me in the meantime.



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