Battle Tendency 1

Start from the beginning

Suddenly Straizo stopped recognizing a man in the main pillar.

Autumn New York 1938

And as usual I was desperate for some loot. A black boy walked down the streets of the city looking for his prey as someone caught his attention.

"You have to be kidding me!" A vendor exclaimed. "You have never heard of it? Judging from your accent I would say you are from England. On vacation?"

The small boy grinned, hands shoved into his pockets he marched over.

"Oh you just moved here?" The vendor exclaimed cheerfully he held out a cola for the English man to take. "Anyhow if you wanna drink hand over the cash. Money will get you lots on this side of the pond."

Right when the tall brunette was about to pay the boy snatched his wallet from his other hand, making a run for it. However the Englishman did not seem to be bothered too much, he only looked after him not moving an inch.

"Hey Limey! He had got your wallet! Better run!" The vendor panicked tugging tat his red jacket.

Running into the next alleyway the boy stood there smirking happily.

What a goof! He thought. Like taking candy from a ....

Then a fat hand grabbed him by the collar of his yellow jacket, lifting him up.

"Hey Smokey. Looks like I finally caught you red-handed!" The obese white police officer laughed at his attempt to wiggle out of his grasp.

"You are worthless street scum!" He hit his back of his head with a bat hard. It was bleeding pretty badly as he fell to the ground.

Gripping him again the cop rammed the poor boy to the wall, pinning him up so his feet could not touch the ground he sneered: "I will make sure the lock you up for twenty years!!"

"Please take it easy." Smokey pleaded voice hoarse. "I only pinched a wallet!"

"I hate all of your bottom-feeding kind!" The racist police officer laughed at Smokey, his lanky partner just standing behind watching everything with that stupid grin of his. "But I am a nice guy!" He grabbed Smokey's head using pressure on his wounds making him wince in pain. "Bring me twenty dollars every week. Plus half of what you steal."

"Uhm...." A voice interrupted the cop impatiently.

"Oh, it is the stooge who got robbed." The fat officer looked at the brunette in dismay. "I am keeping your wallet as evidence."

The Englishman put down his navy blue hat. "Well how should I put this? Let's see..." He ruffled his wild brown hair. "Thing is officer that wallet was actually a gift from me to him." He said smiling at the end relaxed, shocking everyone.

The 195cm giant of an Englishman was covering for me?! Smokey realized. "So I need you to let him go along with the wallet." He continued.

"What was that?" The officer questioned him in disbelief.

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