13 : 𝖧𝗈𝖾'𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝖽

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Y/N's soft gaze turned to a glare. "Small pair of round plastics. White."

"Yeah.." Taehyun scratched his head. "I did throw it.."

"Why would you?!"

Y/N got up, making her chair tumble to the floor. Taehyun frantically straightened up, knowing he had ticked her off. He backed away a bit, hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry!" He voiced. "I.. I thought it was empty, Y/N!"

"Well, you could have asked before you put your hands through my stuffs!"

"I tried calling you but.. But you were in the shower.. You couldn't hear me.."

"You know what?" Y/N curled her fists. "You're annoying as fuck!"

"Please, don't yell.."

"I wouldn't have yell if I don't live in a house with a stupid person! Oh, wait. You're not even a person!"

He teared up. "Y/N.. Please don't say that.."

"You don't even know how much it costed me! Now I have to buy a new one, thanks!"

"I'm.. I'm very sorry.."

"Forget it! I don't even want to talk to you!"


Taehyun took a brave step forward and pulled her into a tight embrace. Upon the action, Y/N froze. Taehyun's arms were wrapped around her, warm, cozy, as if he was telling her not to go. She could hear him sniffle. His body was shaking. His tears were starting to fall onto Y/N's skin. He was incredibly hurt. For days, probably weeks, all he wanted was to be with her again. No, he didn't want to steal her happiness but he sure did miss the times they once had together.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N.." He breathed. "Please, don't be mad at me.. I don't want you to be mad at me.."

"You lost my contacts, Taehyun."

"I didn't mean to do it.. I promise.."

"How am I supposed to go with Ria now that I don't have it? Huh?"

"Stay here.." He begged. "Just for tonight.. We can.. We can cuddle up the couch.. We can watch a movie.. Please, don't leave the house yet.. I need you, Y/N.."

"Ria and I have plans today." Y/N broke the hug. "You could've told me that you wanted to hang out tonight then I would've moved our girl's night. But you didn't and it's my fault you're gonna be alone again."

"Do you really have to go out everyday..? What about me, Y/N..? Are you just going to leave me here every time you're out to have fun..?"

"For God's sake, Taehyun!" She roughly pushed her hair back. "Just when I'm starting to have fun and make friends, you're going to pull up that sad boy card on me?! Don't think I owe you a lot just because you were there when I was lonely!"


"If you can't handle a bad bitch then leave! Is that hard?!"

"I can't leave you.." He cried, holding her hands. "I have nowhere else to go.. You're the only one that I have.. I can't love somebody else.."

"Then too bad you gotta put up for it!"

"Please, calm down.."

"Calm down, calm down- ah, fuck off!" She yelled. "You ruined my day! Shit, I haven't even started it. Thanks a lot!"

She pulled her hands back in annoyance. Grabbing her purse, she angrily headed out the room. Taehyun fell on his knees. He could hear his heart shattering in a million pieces. His tears found a new place on the carpet. Boy, they were flowing nonstop as he trembled.

"What happened to you.." He whispered. "What happened to you, Y/N.."

He hated to admit but he wasn't glad about this sudden turn of the tables anymore. At first he thought he could bear the fact that Y/N was just trying to find herself. But now he was convinced that she lost herself instead.

"This isn't you.. I want you back.. The old you back.."

Yeah, he would rather have the old, vintage-obsessed Y/N, stuck in her granny clothes, blabbering about classic things, and one to spend the whole day him. Not this new chick who squeezes through tight apparels, bakes her face with colors, and wanders around the city with her friend daily.

If he wanted to turn back the time, he might as well try to talk her out. Despite of his girl being so hard-headed these days.

"Y/N..?" He scrambled to his feet. "Y/N.."

Taehyun rushed to the living room in hopes to see her but she wasn't there. When he turned to the door, he caught her figure leaving.



The door slammed shut. He was left alone again.

𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora