New Generations (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Arthur looked expectantly at Axel who was awkwardly standing on the side. "What happened?" the king asked as he soothed his wife.

Axel gulped and replied, "I did the best I could, sire, but I was overthrown by the Lady Morgana."

Arthur's eyes went wide in alarm. "She was here?"

"Don't worry I don't think she harmed the queen, sire," the young knight assured the king though his knees were knocking slightly. "However, I do think she did something to your, to your..." he trailed off unable to get the words out as guilt racked his body.

"Axel, what did she do?" Arthur demanded.

Axel looked up in sorrow and guilt. "I-I think she killed your child, sire. Forgive me," said the knight sorrowfully. He lowered his head in shame.

Arthur turned in horror looking at his wife for the truth. "Guinevere," he managed to choke out, shaking her slightly to get her attention. "Is this t-true?" He hoped beyond hope that it wasn't.

Guinevere looked up at Arthur, her eyes red from weeping. She nodded mutely and then replied shakily, "I can't feel anything. I can't feel our baby." She broke down again holding onto Arthur as he held her fast, his own tears mingled with hers as he wept silently.

The warlock overheard the painful exchange. His heart was bleeding with sadness for his friends while he held his almost lifeless guardian in his arms.

"Gaius," Merlin said tearfully. "Gaius, you can't leave me. We need you. I need you."

"Me-Merlin," Gaius was able to get out of his breathless state.

"Yes, yes, I'm here Gaius," Merlin replied hopeful, clutching the old man's hand that was reaching up to him.

"Take care of Cecilia," whispered the old man.

Merlin smiled through his tears.

Even though his guardian was dying, the old physician still wanted to make sure those who needed him were taken care of.

A true physician at heart.

"B-But, I want you to take care of yourself too," Gaius struggled to say.

Merlin began to shush him. "No, no, Gaius, save your breath. I'm going to save you, like I saved Arthur."

Gaius chuckled lightly, his eyes closing for a bit. "Merlin, you need to let me go."

Merlin shook his head furiously, the tears coming down in earnest.

"The time has come for the land to be governed by the new generation, you and Arthur. The old must die so that the new can live. This new era will need a ruler and a protector, and that is you and Arthur. Fulfill your destinies, unite the land of Albion."

Gaius began to move about as the pain of the loss of oxygen intensified. Merlin held his guardian as he listened to the last words he would ever hear from his beloved old friend.

"But I want you to do something for yourself," said the old man. "Find love, Merlin. Find someone who makes your heart beat, find someone who makes you want to run away with them, find the one that you cannot let go. Someone who makes life worth living."

Merlin's heart was breaking at Gaius' words because they brought up all the pain and sorrow he had when he lost that someone that Gaius was speaking of. He did find that someone but he lost her all too soon.

Gaius began to fade, his eyes falling shut, his skin losing its colour.

The sobs behind the warlock had quietened as the king, queen, and knight beheld the warlock and his beloved guardian.

Before releasing his last breath, Gaius looked at Merlin as he bid him farewell,

"I love you, my son."

And then his eyes closed.

The warlock sobbed silently clutching his guardian, his father, rocking back and forth as the pain intensified with each and every tear fall.

Then a gasp came from behind.

Guinevere clutched her stomach, and Arthur looked at her worriedly. She looked up at her husband's concerned face.

"Our child is alive," said Guinevere.

Arthur and Guinevere embraced each other tightly. Then he placed his hand on her swollen abdomen feeling his child move about.

Merlin turned away and looked at the peaceful look on Gaius' face that lay on his lap.

Such was the balance of nature.

For a life to be given, one had to be taken.


The air was turning chilly as the day was beginning to end.

Merlin was walking around the dilapidated throne room cleaning up the rubble but wasn't doing a very good job because his mind was elsewhere.

In the past hour he was bombarded with a whole range of emotions. Having to watch Gaius die was heart breaking but with it came a strange sense of peace knowing that he was ready to leave.

Merlin knew that coming to terms with Gaius' passing would not be easy but he would give himself the time to grieve, just as he had done with his own father.

Added onto that grief came the sense of relief knowing that Arthur's child was spared, even after all that they had been through.

A clatter from the doorway brought Merlin back to the present. He saw the youngest knight of Camelot coming through carefully stepping over fallen debris as he made his way to the warlock.

"Is Arthur alright?" Merlin asked Axel.

Axel gave Merlin a small smile. "Yes, he is. The king wanted to know if you're alright," he replied. Merlin returned the small smile.

"The king doesn't want to leave the queen's side but he wanted to make sure his friend was okay," Axel explained.

Merlin let out a short chuckle. "Did he actually say that?" he asked amused.

Axel smiled kindly. "No," he replied, "but I know he meant it."

They smiled at each other and then a short silence fell between them.

"Axel, would you do me a favour?" Merlin asked.

"What is it?" replied the knight, ready to be of aid.

"Go down to the dungeons," Merlin said, "and see if you can find a young girl imprisoned down there."

Axel nodded and turned around heading with all seriousness on his mission.

Merlin watched him leave, grateful for the knight and his willingness to be of assistance. He continued to clean up but then he heard a very troubled voice calling out his name.


He knew that voice all too well.

The warlock ran out towards the king and spotted him at the end of the hallway.

"Arthur! What is it?" Merlin asked when he saw how anxious his friend looked and his eyes wide with panic.

"The baby is coming."

Arthur and Merlin sprinted to Guinevere.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now