seeing Konohamaru so happy and excited made Naruto feel relieved, the boy was happy to see him and Naruto was happy that he was happy if that makes sense.

Naruto gave Konohamaru a helmet and Konohamaru was fascinated by the motorcycle, they rode to a traditional Japanese festival, they walked around and ate so many different kinds of food, there were some games and Konohamaru wanted to go play all of them. if neither boys were playing or eating, Konohamaru would sit on Naruto's shoulders.

Konohamaru laughed so much, he enjoyed his older brother's company, it was the first time in 2 weeks he was this happy, ever since his grandpa died he felt so lonely, but being with his brother he felt so safe and loved.

then Naruto saw Hinata with a little girl, he waved and she smiled, they walked over to each other, "Hinata-chan! didn't expect to see you here dattebayo" Naruto said enthusiastically,

"ne-chan I wanna play with the boy" Hinata's sister tugged at her clothes, Naruto chuckled and asked, "Konohamaru you wanna go play?" Konohamaru nodded, Naruto let him off his shoulders and the two kids introduced themselves:

"Sarutobi Konohamaru"

"Hyuga Hanabi"

they bowed a little and went to do whatever 12-year-olds do in a festival, while Naruto and Hinata walked around behind them, supervising. Naruto asked with a joking manner "do you want some chocolate-covered bananas, m'lady?" Hinata chuckled and replied in the same manner "why of course! kind sir" and they got some chocolate-covered bananas on a stick as they watched the kids play.

it was getting late, the sun was setting and the teens decided it was time to get home. they went to where the two kids were supposed to be and saw them holding hands, the blond and ravenette looked at each other and chuckled, their siblings look so cute together, but sadly they had to be the annoying adults who ruin everything.

they went over to them and said in unison "it's time to go now", the two kids looked at each other and pouted and they also said in unison "don't want to" and held the other's hand tightly.

the teens looked at each other, they knew something like this would happen and they had a plan B, Naruto picked up Hanabi and placed her on his shoulders as he did with Konohamaru this afternoon, and Hinata picked up Konohamaru piggyback style, Naruto stated "Konohamaru, be a gentleman and let's make sure the ladies get to their car safely dattebayo", and so both teens walked while the kids enjoyed the view. after the boys made sure Hinata and Hanabi were safe they left to the motorcycle, they got on and the blonde drove the kid to his apartment.

after they got off the motorcycle Konohamaru said "thank you, Naruto nii-chan" Naruto ruffled the kid's hair and said "we'll do it whenever you want dattebayo, and we'll invite Hinata and Hanabi chan" Konohamaru Smiled widely and entered his apartment at exactly 19:59.

Naruto drove home only to find Sasuke buried in a pile of paperwork, he looked different though...' GLASSES?!' Naruto was very surprised but he walked over to the raven, the latter was so focused on his work that he didn't notice the blonde behind him.

"boo," Naruto said quietly but the raven freaked out and jerked his head up, quickly removing his glasses and hiding them in his pocket and said, "do-dobe, how was your day" he chuckled nervously and gave a sheepish smile.

Naruto didn't say anything, he just smiled and reached for the glasses, he held them and gently placed them on Sasuke's face, "they're cute teme, keep them on" he said quietly, still smiling, the raven blushed and looked down, he then felt Naruto's hand around him, hugging him, he then smiled still blushing, when Naruto pulled away he said "thank you... teme, I feel so much better. also... I win" Sasuke was smiling 'till he heard the last part, he totally forgot about the game they had, he pouted a little as Naruto scribbled a point for himself.

when Naruto put back the notebook Sasuke took off his glasses and said "did you honestly think I'm gonna let you win?" as Naruto was about to reply when he felt himself being scooped off the ground, when he realized what was happening he blushed, Sasuke was holding him bridal style "KYA Sasuke!!!" he shouted as the raven walked to Naruto's bedroom and threw the blonde gently on the bed and climbed over him.

Sasuke was so gentle with Naruto, he bit his earlobe and slowly moved down to the blond's neck, the raven's hot breath against the tan skin made the blond shiver, the Uchiha kissed his neck until he found Naruto's sweet spot, he knew it because when he kissed it a little moan escaped Naruto's lips, he abused that spot a little, then went back up, his lips kissed Naruto's ear as he whispered in a low voice "I win".

he then fell next to the blond, now laying next to each other, Naruto said, "teme, wanna go out on a date tomorrow?" the raven smiled and nodded, "I'll plan it," Naruto continued, "okay" Sasuke replied softly, they both drifted off to sleep.

heyyy people, this chapter was very good in my opinion hehe, hope you like the KonoHana ship I sneaked in there.

next chapter is just gonna be Naruto and Sasuke, without anyone else, I think you guys will like it :)

word count chapter 9: 1683


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